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Skill for stats training

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:21 pm
by Lord Drakelord
Alchemy - Int / Dex
Anatomy - Int / Str
Animal Lore - Int / Str
Animal Taming - Str / Int
Archery - Dex / Str
Arms Lore - Int / Str
Begging - Dex / Int
Blacksmithing - Str / Dex
Bowcraft/Fletching - Dex / Str
Bushido - Str / Int
Camping - Dex / Int
Carpentry - Str, Dex
Cartography - Int / Dex
Chivalry - Str / Int
Cooking - Int / Dex
Detect Hidden - Int / Dex
Discordance - Int / Dex
Evaluating Intelligence - Int / Str
Fencing - Dex / Str
Fishing - Dex / Str
Focus - Dex / Int
Forensic Evaluation - Int / Dex
Healing - Int / Dex
Herding - Int / Dex
Hiding - Dex / Int
Inscription - Int / Dex
Item Identification - Int / Dex
Lockpicking - Dex / Int
Lumberjacking - Str / Dex
Mace Fighting - Str / Dex
Magery - Int / Str
Meditation - Int / Str
Mining - Str / Dex
Musicianship - Dex / Int
Necromancy - Int / Str
Ninjitsu - Dex / Int
Parrying - Dex / Str
Peacemaking - Int / Dex
Poisoning - Int / Dex
Provocation - Int / Dex
Remove Trap - Dex / Int
Resisting Spells - Str / Dex
Snooping - Dex / Int
Spellweaving - Int / Str
Spirit Speak - Int / Str
Stealing - Dex / Int
Stealth - Dex / Int
Swordsmanship - Str / Dex
Tactics - Str / Dex
Tailoring - Dex / Int
Taste Identification - Int / Str
Tinkering - Dex / Int
Tracking - Int / Dex
Veterinary - Int / Dex
Wrestling - Str / Dex

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:57 am
by Maldar
Thanks for all the work, drakelord. I'm going to print this out and keep it.