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I Ponder....

Postby utgo » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:44 am

Sup ya"ll for those who do remember me... im thinkin bout comin back and wanted to know kinda what changes been made to the game since i left... lets see i left bout a couple months after the KR client released [SM] was runnin hard wit me jeff and centibite but i don know how to get a hold of them and was wondering if ya'll see those names floatin around tell em utgo lookin for em... and those that i ran hard wit in PAS whats up?! im tryna see what ya'll up to checkin the forums and what not but let me know anyways lol
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Postby Brianna » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:54 am

hey utgo long time no see...well alot has been going on so i havent been playing as much as i used to but alot of people are still around...

sara aka zor had a heart attack not to long ago but over all she is better
i moved to georgia and wildflower is now a grandma with another one on the way

so over all how have you been?

love bri
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Postby KDSonoma » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:34 am

hey utgo, great to hear from ya!

As for SM, word I got was that Jeff got deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Maldar was in SM and just returned to PAS, maybe he has more details for ya on SM.

As for PAS, check out the calendar here as it always lists the scheduled nightly PAS events.

Cya soon!

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Postby Maldar » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:32 pm

Hey Utgo.......what's going on, man? You ever get back to being able to be online again?
SM kinda' fell apart, with several of the major players having to drop out for one reason or another. I left PAS back then because the only guy I really knew was Spider/Instant Death (I think) and I don't know what Brandon's other characters were now. He left the game entirely, though he does keep his accounts paid for, which is good since even with three 18x18 houses, I still have to keep some of my stuff in the tower I gave him for Christmas a few years ago. He plays WoW now. After bumming around in the game with him for all the years he was in it (I met him while he was a newb and training on a bull.......he needed a LOT of heals...lol), I sure do miss him.
Centibite and Moon (I think that was his girlfriend's char name) moved and doesn't have internet access anymore.
I see Jeff in the game now and then again. He wasn't in game for quite some time a while ago. Like KD said, he must have been deployed.
Lara left for WoW.
Other than you, I can't remember who else was in it now.
Brandon (Spider) wanted me to give WoW a try but I'm doing well to keep my 3 UO accounts active and, after nearly 10 years, I have WAY too much invested here to move on. Besides, I just got the Wyrm's Heart and a necklace made with Christmas tree ornaments for my museum. :D
There have been a LOT of changes since you had to leave. Way too many to even try to list. Right now we are having invasions of various cities with various monsters. I was fighting in Moonglow yesterday and was getting the planeswords and planeshields off of the winged critters that were part of the rift episode of the continuing Old Crone story line. I was surprised and suspect they were just an unintended holdover from that.
There are also acid slimes that pop up in various places (hard to find where) that you can click on and dye artifacts and enhanced items with. The colors are new and some are neon but not many folks have been able to get to them.
The factions have a lot of changes. A bunch of new things that only a faction player can get/make, in an attempt to get people interested in it again.
Keep in touch, Bro. Hope you can come back soon!
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Postby sara » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:05 pm

How ya doin Utgo...long time no see..hows the family? We are all fine here..good to see ya again..Sara
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Postby utgo » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:02 am

well, the family is doin ok, i recently ran into some legal trouble though with my drivers licence, i had planned to return to the game eventually but it don look good for now. me and classie split about the same time that i left game and that wont be happening again. i found someone though recently that has turn my world upside down and brought me back to earth. the girls are doing great though im glad to see that some of you remembered me after almost two years.. im sad to see that sm is almost gone.. if i return to game maybe kd has a spot for an old member left... mainly though if anyone still has jeffs or centibites ICQ number ask them if they don mind if you relinquish it to me. i would like to find out who has my accounts in there hands and maybe re obtain them. and sara tell rune that i will still pwn him eventually
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:20 am

rofl I laugh my butt off when I see your avatar. And of course u are welcome back, utgo.

The icq I show for Centibite is 162240710, Centibite's RL wife is 29580478, and Jeff's is 198454238.

These are old, but hopefully they still use them.

Safe journeys in RL and ingame if u get a chance to come back and play with us!

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