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Thank you, Skull!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:30 pm
by Maldar
I had the nicest thing happen to me at the Tokuno CS this afternoon. I was working the spawn by myself when Skull showed up. He won the Detective Boots and then gave them to me, saying I had done a lot of the work before he got there. It was an act of kindness that made me just sit back in my chair and smile.

This is one of the main reasons I like this game.

Thank you again, Skull! That was way cool!


PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:35 pm
by DevilSpawn
Awesome Maldar... and Skull, hehe

Congrats on the boots. I'll be looking for them whenever I can get to 100 LRC lol (I'm doing 97 with arcane boots, it's fail)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:06 pm
by Maldar
Isn't it amazing how you can have around 98% LRC and fail a ridiculously disproportionate amount of times?