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National News from The Associated Press

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:57 am
by Lord Drakelord
Close but not quite: New survey readings show Four Corners marker off by 2.5 miles
04-20-2009 7:44 PM

SALT LAKE CITY (Associated Press) -- Tourists who think they're putting a hand or foot in each of four states at the Four Corners area are apparently missing the mark _ by about 2.5 miles. National Geodetic Survey officials say the Four Corners marker showing the intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah is about 2.5 miles west of where it should be.

The only place in the United States where four state boundaries come together was first surveyed by the government in 1868 during the initial survey of Colorado's southern boundary. The survey was inaccurate.

Officials said Monday the accurate location lies to the east of U.S. 160 in Colorado and northeast of the San Juan River as it flows into New Mexico.


Information from: Deseret News,

Seems they found the true location since the first survey was done back in 1868. I wonder if they will move it now?