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Postby Taunee » Fri May 08, 2009 12:22 pm

Hi people... I am a long time player with an old account and some good characters. I have re-opened my account and transferred to Sonoma to play with a friend (who is never in game :/ ).

I am either going to transfer back or try to make new friends here. I rather not pay the fees to transfer again.

What's the best way to meet active players in this guild?
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Postby Maldar » Fri May 08, 2009 1:49 pm

Hi Taunee!

We are glad you are here with us! See the calendar at the top of this page? It usually has events planned for every night and we meet in Nujelm in Fel before we gate out to whatever event is happening that given night. Right now the calendar isn't filled out as our Guild Leader, King David (aka KD and "Hey you!") is dealing with some serious things in real life but it will be filled back up shortly, I'm sure, and the Elders are all volunteering to run events at the moment to fill in. Many of the Elders that are running events don't know what their real-life schedule is going to be like until the last minute so, for now, check the calendar a couple times a day for last-minute event announcements.

One of the Elders will undoubtedly post a message telling you how you go about joining PAS and they will get with you in-game, too.

I guarantee you will like it here! All of my guildmates are friendly and helpful. There is NO drama in this Guild. It simply isn't tolerated, so you don't have to worry about that nonsense.

I have been playing for over a decade and am doing things with PAS that I had never even seen before while playing as a "loner."

Please stay and give us a'll be glad you did! :D
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Postby Ciara » Fri May 08, 2009 3:26 pm

Hi Taunee!

I suggest you download icq , if you don't have it, and post your number here so people can get in touch with you from the guild. ICQ is a free program, available at . As Maldar said, we usually have a calendar of events up. If you would like to meet PAS, and provide an icq number to reach you, some of us would be glad to get together with you and invite you along on one of our events.

Our events are normally held at 6PM Pacific time (adjust for your time zone) every evening.

My icq is 328-561-158. Please be sure to put PAS in the request for authorization.

You're welcome to look over all we have on the web site. Our GuildMaster, King David, is not able to be on right now, but I'm sure we can get you oriented and having fun until he gets back.

Hope to hear from you in the near future.
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Postby Sir William » Fri May 08, 2009 10:55 pm

howdy a fellow new yorker
This is Bunny. Help him gain world domination.
or use Bob
/ \
Image Speed Hacking
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Postby KDSonoma » Sat May 09, 2009 8:04 am

welcome back and to Sonoma!

I hope u get a chance to come to some PAS events and have fun with us. Im the gm, kinda stuck in RL for a bit (wife is ill), but Im hopig to be back next week. The calendar is normally updated at the start of each month, but Ill try to get it updated this weekend for May.

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Postby Taunee » Sat May 09, 2009 9:24 am

Thank you for the nice replies.

I do have ICQ 28227341

I added Ciara. I will not be on much over the weekend (Happy Mothers Day to you Mothers) but I should be around next week. I will try to get in touch.

Thanks Again :)
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Sat May 09, 2009 11:16 am

I'm doing a Baja to Sonoma transfer this Monday, if you coming from there I can carry items over for you at no cost.
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