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Advice on Artys?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:08 pm
by LoL/Myst
So, I need some advice/clarification on artys. I've read up UOGuide and Stratics, but hopefully can find some more useful advice here.

I've been to 3 or 4 Gauntlet runs and 3 champ spawns and have yet to get an arty. I did get a title tonight (Venom of Evil at the Tokuno spawn) but i don't know if that works on the same mechanic.

I've been bringing my archer/mage and concentrating mainly on EVs with my archery not yet GM'd. I would switch to my tamer, but i keep thinking that I'm building up points and will bring the tamer when the Archer/mage gets something.

Lastly... my former main and highest trained char (LoL) is a Dexer. Template is Fence/Heal/Chiv/Tact/Focus/Anatomy/Parry. Is this still a viable template?


PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:15 am
by Ciara
I hope you will get an artie soon. Don't be discouraged--just keep trying. I have been to a great many gauntlet runs where I didn't get one--though I have gotten them. I have only once gotten an arty at a champ spawn.

Maybe others can answer your question about templates.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:10 am
by Lord Drakelord
Let see the last arty I got at Tokuno was 3 or 4 months ago, gave it to KD so PAS could roll for it, I believe tiger won it. Been at several others CS but have yet to get a arty except for something popping in my pack from killing Paragons in Ilsh.

As for Doom, I normally go like 3-5 trips before I get anything and its all base on amount of damage you do on the DF and bosses there.

It might help if we knew the template of your Doom character. Archer? Mage? Maybe its the weapons you are using?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:31 pm
by LoL/Myst
Ah ok. I thought I read someone saying that they get artys every 4 or so circles throught the rooms.

If 4 trips is common then maybe I am not doing something wrong then.

MY current doom template is archer/mage with a heavy concentration in EVs during the fights. =)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:09 pm
by Lord Drakelord
LoL/Myst wrote:Ah ok. I thought I read someone saying that they get artys every 4 or so circles throught the rooms.

If 4 trips is common then maybe I am not doing something wrong then.

MY current doom template is archer/mage with a heavy concentration in EVs during the fights. =)

check this link

Since the doom gauntlet now uses a point system to determine artifacts, do the points get whipped out after leaving doom or do they build up, letting you get a higher chance each trip until you receive the artifact?

The points build up until you receive an artifact.
