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Scrolls of Alacrity

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:28 pm
by Maldar
Another quick question. When do you all think is the best time to use a Scroll of Alacrity? I saved mine to use until I was in the high 90s but soon found out that was a waste because I had no gains in the 15 minutes the scroll was in affect. Now I find myself with around 25 or so of these scrolls and no sense in using most of them since I am almost maxed out in the skills I am currently working and don't want to waste them (I'm a BIG-time packrat!) So at what skill level would you use one?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:47 pm
by Lord Drakelord
we had one for the tailor and used it when she was at 116. Got like 2 full points in the 15 minutes of making Ninja hoods so was a big hand there.