Tokuno Champ Spawn

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Tokuno Champ Spawn

Postby Maldar » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:10 pm

I must say, I have had a blast at this CS with all of the PAS that are there. I heard someone say the other day that it was possible to get a minor arty from even a bird in the Tokuno Islands. I chuckled but then I did. I have gotten a minor arty from killing a bird and another one from killing a goat. The BEST arty really surprised me when I got it. I got Leurocian's Mempo by killing a llama! This was all done while "cleaning up" after the Champ was dead so, if it is a points-based system (and now I'm not so certain it is), then those kills must have just nudged me over the top.
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