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Intercepted Conversation to the Shadowlords...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:46 am
by Lord Drakelord

Draconi: Ok with the recession we are bringing you back at only a part time basis.

Nosfentor: That is fine with me just tell me what to do and don't hurt me.

Astaroth: Whatever, this is just a job to tie me over until something better comes a long.

Faulinei: Sure part time whatever you say (mumbles something about insurance benefits)

Draconi: We have 3 different locations for you to show up. The Waste, Mt. Sho and the Frozen Waste. You can decide where you want to go.

Nosfentor: I'm scared of the snow...heck i'm scared of all 3 of those places. Can't i just eat more cookies with you Draconi?

Astaroth: Shut up. Don't you want to kill people?

Faulinei: I will be at any one of those locations or all 3 at once...

Draconi: Ok, You will also be vulnerable to blackrock and the Armaggeddon spell again.

Nosfentor: I'm scared of the Armaggeddon spell...

Astaroth: Bring It!

Faulinei: I laugh at blackrock

Draconi: When or if you die you will give 3 Cloaks of Corruption to the top 3 damagers and a minor tokuno artifact to everyone.

Nosfentor: I fear giving anything away.

Astaroth: Now you have gone too far. I still don't have a friggin Mempo and you want me to give my other Tarties away? That Leurocian told me they weren't that rare...

Faulinei: Whatever you say Draconi...

Draconi: It's not that bad! You only have to spawn 2 times a day!

Astaroth: Is that RL or UO day? Cause if you let me pick it's going to be RL day. Which RL for me is UO, cause i'm some toon.

Draconi: You guys can decide but pay is based on time spent "In game"
(Mumbles something about fish in a barrel)

Astaroth: When do we start each day?

Draconi: It depends which shard you are talking about. It is at server up.

Nosfentor: What does that mean? I'm scared of when the servers are NOT up.

Faulinei: Then what? another 12 hours from that point?

Draconi: You guessed it.