Free Soul Forges (Kind of...)

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Free Soul Forges (Kind of...)

Postby Endrik Elder » Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:42 pm

Hey guys, I just hit 95.1 Imbuing... so I can now unravel Relic Fragments and make Soul Forges for your homes. These are better for training on because they do not offer the bonus that the one in town does... this means you can spend less money on ingredients because you can imbue lower intensity mods and stay around the 50% success area for a longer time.

These are currently selling for 1 mil... but for any PAS or alliance members I will make them for you if you provide 3 relic fragments, or 3 items that I can unravel into relic fragments.

The reason I ask for 3 is that I only have a 50% chance of making the item, and the fragments are often lost upon fail. Even though it says 50% I have found that I actually only succeed around 33% of the time. Anyway... I figured 3 minor artis would be cheaper then dropin 1mil. If anybody wants me to make this item for ya just catch me in game or leave me a message here.

***** After doing some experimenting I have found that some Ilsh Artis do not give Relic Fragments when unraveled...I will be posting a list of those aryis here as I find them
1) Gloves of the Pugilist
2) Windsong
3) Cavorting Club
4) Wildfire Bow
5) Helm of Swiftness
6) Any Armor Set Pieces
7) ToK Arms of Tactical Advantage
8) ToK Lotus Hood
9) ToK Peasant Bokuto
10) ToK Destroyer
11) ToK Exciler
12) ToK Hanzo's Bow
Last edited by Endrik Elder on Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:07 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Ciara » Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:16 pm

I would love to have you make me one. Are any minor arties usable for the relic fragments? Don't understand the new system yet. Thank you.
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Postby Maldar » Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:19 pm

I am SO envious! I am around 70 and my hand is permanently stuck in its mouse-gripping position (*really* makes it hard to hold a spoon or fork.)

If you don't mind my asking. Here is how I have been training Imbuing:

I make daggers with dull copper runics (wish I had all the dull copper and shadow runics I'd just tossed on the ground over the years...good luck finding any for sale anywhere) and then I unravel those for the ingredients. I then make regular daggers and imbue those. I try to keep my chances of success between 45% to 55%. I imbue one bonus (may do that same bonus a few times) and then I add another bonus because it lowers the chances of success without costing me more gems than 1 or 2 (this training is extremely costly!) Then I unravel the daggers I had imbued, wash and rinse.

Is that the way you did it.....more or less? My gains have become fairly slow and my mouse finger is cramping. lol

Any suggestions would be very appreciated!

Congrats on your breaking the 95 mark!
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Postby Endrik Elder » Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:31 pm

Ciara, Yes, any artifacts that have magical properties will work... so any weapons, armor, or jewelry artifacts will work. Decorative artis like the wooden stead or the candelabra will NOT work as they do not have any magical properties.

Maldar, You are doing it almost exactly the same way I did. I would recomend using a crafted Soul Forge at your house as this will save you resources in the long run. The only other thing I would recomend is imbuing the same property on an item 10 times untill it gives you the message that you can no longer learn from that item. This will save you clicks, and allow you to move a little faster. I did not need to start doing multiple properties until somewhere in the 80s I think, and at that point I took a bag of 100 daggers, and imbued the first property ONCE on each dagger... I then went back through the bag and imbued the second property 9 times on each dagger. A pain to set up, but helps the gais go a little faster... if only because it saves ya mouse clicks. Good Luck, and hang in there.
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Postby Cherry » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:17 pm

i would like to get the soulforge. i haven't gotten a gain at all and my imbuing is only at 40
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:57 pm

me to, me to!!!!
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:11 pm

thank you now come pick up your bug
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Postby Maldar » Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:14 pm

Thanks again for the the advice, Endrik! I finally passed 95.1 and am working on heading up to my current 115 cap. I saw where the 120 Imbuing PS is selling on the search-site stores for a whopping $30! That is insane.
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