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Soup Time ! ! !

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:57 pm
by Horizon
Ok Fall has come, its a little chilly outside, the rains are coming and the leaves are dropping. My wife calls this my "Better than Martha Stewart Soup". Now before I get started, here is the warning, I make this soup for the neighborhood in a 40 quart soup pot. So if the recipe seems large, well, it is.

4 Large Chicken Breasts
1/2 lb Thick bacon
6 Red potatoes 1/4" cubes
1 Yellow onion diced... Read More
6 Carrots cut to sliver coins
6 Celery stalks slivered
1 quart chopped mushrooms
1 Jalepeno julianed
1 Whole clove chopped garlic
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Gallon of chicken broth or water with 4 broth cubes
2 quarts of heavy cream
1 quart graded parmesean cheese
1 cup Orzo pasta
2 Tablespoons Ceyanne pepper

Now the key to this soup is the variety of textures involved. I start by cutting up the carrots, celery onion and garlic and drop them in the bottom of the pot with a little olive oil and salt over medium heat.

Next, spread the cubed potatoes on a non stick cookie sheet with a little olive oil and bake for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees. You want the outside golden and a little crunchy so they don't get mushy the next day.

While the potatoes are baking, get a LARGE skillet and sautee the chicken with some garlic and olive oil. You don't wont to over cook the chicken, because it is going right into the soup pot once it is done.

Once the Vegies are done, add the chicken broth and the pasta then turn up the heat to High. Let it go until it is just under a boil.

Add the cream, potatoes, parmeasean cheese. At this point the soup will begin to thicken, Keep stirring occaisionally at this point to keep the cheese from gathering at the bottom of the pot.

salt and pepper to taste and add flour or corn starch to thicken.

It is always better the next day.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:34 pm
by Maldar
Wow, that sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipe with us! I'm going to give it a shot. The perfect Fall/Winter "comfort" food. (Now to figure out how to reduce the recipe to a couple servings...) It sures beats my butter & confectioner's sugar sandwich.


PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:49 am
by Brianna
well im more of a meat and veggies to the max in my soup so im thinking cut it down by half and eliminate the pasta(diabetic and get my carbs from the veggies) and it would be perfect to feed my pigsty i mean roommates and me and shino im gonna try it after the wedding

yum yum

love bri

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:30 pm
by Katlady
Oooooo, that sounds mighty goods!
Gonna have to give it a try!!!