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Not gaining honor

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:00 pm
by dlwiii
My dexxer has the status "Follower of Honor", but has not gained any honor at all in the past few weeks. I use bushido and so I Honor just about everything, and fight demons and ogre lords alot for fame and karma. But I never get any honor.
Am I missing somehting? Do I have to fight harder monsters?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:22 pm
by Ciara
I set up a macro out of my UO game options--the macro is "invoke virtue honor". Then I scope out where an ogre lord or demon is. I usually try to sneak up on them if possible, and not have my weapon equipped, as if you damage them first you don't get honor. You have to be fairly close, get the target gump right on the monster, then kill it. I get a lot of honor fighting troglodites. If a monster is low level, such as an ogre, you probably won't gain any honor. The higher you get on the scale, the slower your gains are.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:38 pm
by dlwiii
Well, I generally let the monsters hit me first, and have an honor macro. I know I've honored the monsters because the bushido perfection kicks in. And I stay in the same spot, not moving while the monster comes to me. With a demon just now I put away my sword so I would not accidentally hit it first. But still no honor gain.
I let one cast spells on me, and walk up and start hitting before I re-armed my sword, then killed it.
I used to get the message "you have gained in honor", but have not seen it for weeks. I am not at Knight level or anything like that. I have 6/10 dots at Follower of Honor.
Could it have to do with the fact that I have a sword with life leech? I am not using any poison, but am in Vampire form.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:22 pm
by AshOfCaine
The main issue is despite being high fame monsters, there is only so far these monsters will take you. I believe Ice Fiends take you higher but I know Balrons and Succubi will take you to Knight. Only other one I even heard of someone trying was Ancient Lich but I just stick to Succubi for gaining Honor.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:18 pm
by dlwiii
That is exactly it - I Honored an Ice Fiend and gained successfully.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:06 pm
by Damien Kilcannon
I always took Damien to Miasma to beat on her with a sword for Honor...never had a problem getting to Knight fairly quickly