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Suggestions for Imbuing onto a Dragon Slayer

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:27 pm
by dlwiii
I have a non-imbued exceptional radiant scimitar with the following:

Dragon Slayer
HML 60%
DI 40%
Damage 100% Physical

I play as a sampire, and this is a good weapon for Greater Dragons. Those fights can be 50-50, with me dead 1/2 the time, the GD dead the other. I am pondering what would be two good properties to imbue this with so that the odds are more in my favor.

HSL comes to mind, but I use refresh potions, and stamina does not seem to be a problem.

Swing speed would be a good one, so I can hit just a little faster. My stamina is 157, so I generally dont' have too much of a problem with swing speed.

I sometimes miss on the GD's, even though I have 120 Swords and 36 HCI. Perhaps I should get HCI on the sword, or maybe Hit Lower Defense?

Or, to decrease the chance that I am hit, I could add HLA (my DCI is 45). But usually it's the fireballs that get me, and I'm not sure if HLA will affect the dragons' spells.

What would YOU do with such a weapon? One thought is to not imbue it at all so it will last forever. But I think it would take years for the weapon to wear out of imbued, especially since I will only use it when hunting dragons.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:09 pm
by BadgirlXalan
id say add life leech, would help keep ya up and fighting. weight wise you may not be able to fit much onto it though.