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Scratching the itch...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:15 am
by Damien Kilcannon
Well I have been getting the itch to play UO again....I have kinda been on a hiatus for over a year and only logged in once a week at most just to make sure that my houses were still standing...

I got the SA expansion when it came out but the few times I logged in and tried to play in the new lands I quickly got lost and just logged out...I have always kept up with the boards here and have read just about everything posted and I see alot of our events are for things in the new lands...My work schedule changed at the beginning of the year and I am now available at the time of the events...

I am intrigued with the new race and would love to create a gargoyle character...I did attempt this at one point but then realized I had no armor to outfit that type of character...I would love to use one of my race change tokens but first wanted to ask some advice from any of you that are familiar with the race and the new skills...

I have started working mysticism and my plan is to make a mystic mage...skills would be mysticism, focus, magery, eval and resist spells...not sure what else I would add but any advice would be appreciated...I was thinking spell weaving too but not sure if it would be useful in the new lands...

My main problem is gear...I can put together the main staples of a mage suit for a human or elf but I have nothing I can use on a gargoyle...I am training the skills up on the char while she is human but as I stated I want to change her to gargoyle when her skills get high enough but I need to solve the problem of the gear first...

So if any of you SA gurus could let me know which if any of the usual mage gear(orny, rbc, pendant ) can be converted to gargoyle gear I would be greatful...As I said before I still have quite a bit of gold and would love to buy some gear that any of you might have that would work...I am not looking to build a godly suit but I do want a good one and am willing to buy or trade for what I need...

I do not want to try shopping for stuff in Luna or from any other vendor shops unless they are PAS/Alliance vendors...Plus I don't know what I am looking for...

One final question for now. Is mysticism capped at 100 or does it have power scrolls? If it does then I would love to get a 110 for now and when closer to that high I will look to buy 120...

Any help you all can give me will be greatly appreciated!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:04 pm
by LoL/Myst

Good questions, I would be interested in seeing the answers as well.

I'm still procrastinating on SA, but I'll get it eventually... I'm just hoping for a sale. =)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:12 pm
by Ciara
Hi Damien. Its not that hard making a gargoyle suit--challenging yes, but there are some things you might not know.

Some pieces can be "altered" to be gargoyle, that would be the pieces a gargoyle wears, such as sleeves. They don't wear a hat. You can craft and imbue some of the items. You can find gargoyle jewelry in the new lands. I believe old jewelry, such as rings, bracelets and the pendant work.

I would like to talk to you when you are on, and see if I can help you get some of the things together.

If you don't have a soulforge, Siegfried donated some to Crafter House--I put them in the imbuing chest. You might want to start collecting a lot of loot from hunts to unravel to get thing to start imbuing.

I have to run but will talk to you more about this later.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:39 pm
by LoL/Myst
Do you need the imbuing skill to unravel at a soulforge (i imagine "yes")?

I have quite a few chests of unsorted items i've saved over the years hoping one of my chars could use it (or vendor it, but non-arty gear doesnt sell on vendors anymore).

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:44 pm
by dlwiii
You don't need Imbuing to unravel at a soul forge. Instead, unravelling at a soul forge will gain you imbuing skill points. This is how I went from 50 initial skill to about 70. After that I started actually imbuing items to gain skill - which is more expensive, as you tend to burn alot of jewels.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:38 pm
by Chalnoth Tholl
We have a limited selection of gargy gear at the Armory (Auction House). Get with me and we can take a look. Also we can check the armory stocks for some pieces that can be converted.