Hi, I'm a mage

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Hi, I'm a mage

Postby Quarid » Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:23 pm

Hi. I've been playing UO off and on for a while, yet I feel practically new considering the expansions and builds. (Please bear with me as I will have a lot of questions. Advice IS one thing I do expect from a guild, not gold)
I am interested in PAS because of it's size and versatility. I would like to be able to join a party for adventure more often.
Dedication to Sonoma is a good thing. I've always been on Sonoma and wouldn't think of playing someplace else (except perhaps siege perilous)
The events sound interesting. It seems that PAS has many dedicated members.
I'm interested in treasure hunting, questing, and general exploration and adventure.
I have been known to play PVP. In fact I used to be a red, dreadlord. I got ticked that my whole life savings and house were stolen and decided to go PK. Call it temporary insanity.
I'm not into PK at all, but fair PVP I might like to get into, maybe not, but I don't mind being around it e.g. Felucca.

Please consider me for membership in the People's Army of Sonoma.

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:08 pm


Postby KDSonoma » Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:38 pm

sounds like you might just LOVE being in PAS :)

I know our recruiter Elders will respond very soon. And it looks like you checked out our calendar, so I wont recommend that so you can see what we did in the past and are scheduled to do for the near future.

LOTS of amazing folks in PAS, I hope you will have a blast with us!

Cya soon ingame and hopefully on ventrilo as well.

KD (also a mage) :)
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Postby Warden » Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:40 pm

Hello Quarid, and welcome to the PAS forums. Your name looks familiar and, if Quarid is also one of your character names, then I think we were chatting a bit on the Help channel earlier this afternoon. Something about buying recall scrolls from NPC vendors maybe? Anyway, I am fairly new to PAS myself, joining last June-ish. I played for a while around the turn of the century and then quit for eight years, retuning last summer. Yeah, it's amazing how much has changed, mostly for the good in my opinion. Feel free to ask questions as I always have an answer. It's mostly sarcasm, mockery and/or nonsense, but I always have an answer.Image

Oh, and I agree with KD that there are lots of great and very helpful people in this guild.
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Postby Ciara » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:17 am

Hello Quarid!

We often communicate via ICQ, and we actually require a player to have an ICQ number to join. If you do have one or can get one (www.icq.com)and can get it to us, we'll gladly set up an interview with you, so you can apply to the guild in person (in game). You can post it here, or if you prefer not to post it, you can send it via PM to myself, or to Chalnoth Tholl, our GM, and we can set you up.

We do all types of events. You can learn a lot about us by looking at our Calendar and Announcement section of these forums.
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Postby KDSonoma » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:21 pm

one note on icq, some folks say it causes crashes etc on their systems, and if thats the case, you might check out trillian, which loads several messenger programs within it, including icq.

In the old days my icq used to crash about once a month, and it was a pain (but then again I had over 5,000 contacts on icq, so Im sure I pushed the limits that it should support).

A friend mentioned trillian, and I set it up and have never had a crash since then (and I learned my lesson and deleted about 4500 of those icqs that had few messages, so Im sure that also helped).

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