Item Enhancing

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Item Enhancing

Postby Davind » Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:41 pm

Hello all,

If you take an already 100% cold damage bow, and enhance it with Frostwood (+40 Cold Damage +12 Damage Increase); will the bow now have 140% cold damage? Making it a +40 extra cold damage, or will it just stay at 100%?
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Postby Warden » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:57 pm

It will just stay at 100%. When it comes to the damage types, what it's really indicating is the ratios, not overall damage, so the total of all the different damage types always equals 100%. If your bow was 50% cold 50% physical, it's saying that out of the total damage the bow does, however much that is, half of it will be cold and half of it will be physical.

The physical damage amount always takes up whatever is left over after the special types are added in. Since your bow is already 100% cold, there is no leftover room for physical damage so that stays at zero. If your bow was 60% energy and 40% physical, it would change to 60% energy and 40% cold. If it was 30% physical and 70% energy, it would change to 40% cold and 60% energy. 60% physical and 40% energy becomes 40% cold, 40% energy, 20% physical. Etc., etc...

There are still some combos I don't know about, though. Say your original bow is 40% physical and 60% cold. Would the enhanced bow be 100% cold or would it stay the same as it was? Or if you had a 35% poison, 35% energy, 30% fire, which would it replace first? Or would it split it evenly and give you 40% cold, 21% poison, 21% energy and 18% fire?
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