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Kaylor ... an introduction

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:19 pm
by kaylor
"If you can learn anything from this it's that there are people who care. You may not think so and ultimately it may not be enough, but before you make that final decision try to believe yet one more time. Don't rationalize anything away because, Kaylor McKairin, you are and ever shall be loved."

The gypsy's words penetrate my melancholy as he intends they should, still I turn away from his plea. Circumstances leave me with desire for little else. I see no beauty in the sun's warmth, the green of my lands, the cliffs rising to the west. I am alone and bitterly so. The ways of virtue have been corrupted. Men who believe themselves responsible for the light of integrity are the very ones who have managed to extinguish it. I find myself no less guilty for I, too, have traversed the shadows and allowed my soul to be swayed in ways I would never have imagined possible. Doomed to pay the consequences of the choices I have made, I am uncertain as to whether or not I possess the capability of triumph amidst the instability that has enshrouded me. The lines of good and evil have become blurred in the presence of my flaws, weakening my insight as well as my judgement. Nevertheless, I am determined to find my way back. What is life without honour?

My journey has taken me from the emergence of life through the death of another to the sacrifice of my soul by willful submission. A kingdom's heir once set out to save his realm from a vile threat of destruction now stands upon the precipice of self-actualized demise. Indeed it would be easy to blame the situation on the jealousy from which it was born, however to do so would accomplish nothing more than perpetuation of the lies I have become entangled within since taking that first step.

I was born in the year 1355, twin son of a peasant woman and a king, my brother and I doomed from the start by our illegitimacy . . . and the furtive vengeance of a witch's curse. Mother died as she gave us life; as king, Father was forbidden by his royal heritage to acknowledge ours. News of our birth took its time in reaching Castle Faerwhynne. We lay for days drenched in newborn waste with death impatiently perched upon the windowpane anxious to claim the souls of King Craig McKairin's sin. When word finally made its way to our father's ears he feigned surprise yet secretly proceeded to send for his bastards and thus we arrived as such. He saw us well provided for. We were educated in the arts and trained in the lists, however we remained peasants in the eyes of Faerwhynne's Court and therefore garnered little worth.

As my brother and I grew we grew apart. While I excelled in combat skills, Kellon turned to the dark arts. I found certain favour in my father's eyes although I know not why. Perhaps because I was fair and blonde and light of temperament, in total contrast to my olive skinned, dark haired twin whose nature lingered perpetually cimmerian. Although not a true blood relative, Ancyous Enriqe became more a brother to me than any which may ever have been bonded through lineage. For a reason never discussed nor disclosed, this son of a gypsy king was given over to my father during one of his royal sojourns to Spain.

**Kay's story has evolved over the 7yrs I've played him. I will finish this piece to provide a little glimpse into his background without going into great detail of everything that has occurred over time**


PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:19 pm
by Mile
A very interesting tale. :shock:


PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:43 pm
by Luvs Harmony
Wow! So we're taking it there eh? Awesome in-depth character intro. You could write books with that talent.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:29 pm
by kaylor
Thank you both very much. I need to finish this/get it caught up to present, hopefully within the next week.