"Child's Play or Dark Magic?"

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"Child's Play or Dark Magic?"

Postby kaylor » Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:28 pm

The forest was bathed in radiant light, the full moon above casting an ethereal glow over the colorless calm. There was no sound save the rasping hoot of an owl and the soft cantering steps of a squire's steed upon the sodden path beneath its hooves.

I would have you stay near. Chalnoth's order anchored Kaylor's thoughts as he rode. Having gained Lord Tholl's consent to revisit the tavern where death's hand had been tried against him, he was in earnest for enlightenment as to who his attacker may have been and what his driving purpose. Indeed, he agreed with his liege lord that the wiser course would have been to wound the man thereby allowing opportunity for ascertainment of such answers, but the dark side of his soul had overruled reason with slaughter. Whether an asssassin hired or a fool with random intent, "child's play" or "dark magic" per Chalnoth's reference, portent demanded disclosure.

The tavern loomed before him. A rustic edifice constructed of expertly honed yew, its brightly lit windows had bid warm welcome upon nights prior, but this night offerred no such pleasantry as he brought his charger to a gentle halt and stepped swiftly toward the door.

** to be continued . . .

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Postby kaylor » Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:34 pm

Concealing his identity beneath the heavy mantle of a crimson velvet cloak, a dark figure seeking dark knowledge strode with staunch purpose toward the trestle. He was determined to see this night's venture reap its benefit, concern for himself trivial over that for the man to whom his fealty had most recently been sworn.

"Wine." Kaylor's tone was measured firm, laced with deliberate aplomb. "And a morsel of disclosure, if it please you." He locked eyes with the barkeep, maintaining steady gaze as he lifted a hand, slowly unfolding his fingers to reveal a sizable sum of gold coins resting in his palm.

"Well now," the barkeep winked, lowering his voice to a whispered timbre as he reached to relieve Kaylor of the coins. "You know what they say . . . Grace is given of God, but knowledge is bought in the market."

Kaylor scowled, his utterance icy warning. "A perception best you keep silent, sir."

"Little passes before me without recognition, sir." Pocketing the gold he poured a glass of wine and placed it on the counter between them. "What forces you to hide tonight, Templar? From what I witnessed not a fortnight ago, your skill with a blade affords sparse room for reproach."

"Let acumen give way to answer then." Kaylor lifted the glass to his lips, the wine providing a moment's sweet solace in the midst of bitter circumstance. "That unfortunate fray to which you thus refer, have you awareness of any related predisposing arbitration?"

"Hmmmm." The barkeep refilled Kaylor's glass, then set the bottle down and proffered forth his empty palm.

"Damn you whoreson!" Kaylor swore under his breath. "Did I not just fill your greed beyond sufficient?"

"Tsk. Tsk. Such language from a man of God."

Kaylor lowered his hand, but it was not gold for which he reached as he closed his grasp over the hilt of the dagger sheathed at his waist. "Speak answer or speak no more," he hissed, drawing the weapon with deft speed and lost patience.

The barkeep took a quick step back, then leaned slightly forward and replied in shaken voice. "The attack was paid for by a man cloaked in abyssal cloth, an obsidian bow clenched tightly in hand as though possessive of great power. Conversation overheard carried your name and that of Lord Chalnoth Tholl of PAS, but his identity and reason remained obscure."

Silence briefly separating the two men, Kaylor resheathed the dagger before lowering his head. "Gratitude," he whispered, "however unwillingly offered the information. Please accept sincere apology for forced means." But my liege's life lay in its acquisition were the knight's unspoken words as he took his leave.
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