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EM Event: Amonos hoped Daniel would bring more... (Fri 2/21)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:57 pm
by Queen Mum
From the Sonoma EM Events website ...
Lord Dunbrea was tired and irritable. Prices were going up and food was getting scarce. Several of his peers had told him that they were gouging the peasants. He was not going to do this. The crops in Skara were still abundant. He wanted his people strong enough to support him and fight with him for a long time. His wife kept telling him that they were a disgrace to the other nobles. She said she could not show her face at the cotillions as every other noble’s wife would point their finger and whisper. Lord Dunbrea decided it would be wise to get extra mercenaries. He pulled a quill from the ink well and started to write.

Find out more Friday Feb 24

Meet at the Serpents hold Guard Hall @ 9 ET 8 CT 7 MT 6 PT.

*Rune to the Serps Hold Guard Hall is located at the feet of the Event Announcer inside Luna Bank area.