EM Event: Amonos Calls Guard (Monday Sept. 3rd)

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EM Event: Amonos Calls Guard (Monday Sept. 3rd)

Postby Queen Mum » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:47 am

From the Sonoma EM Event website:
Amonos saluted as he entered the room. He was curious what the urgent request would be. He was still in shock over the news of the healer and his identity. He knew Dupre would not ever mistake Blackthorn’s face. He cringed thinking of That man.

He stood at attention before his commander’s desk. Was he hearing correctly?
Blackthorn wanted journals that had been stored in his castle…missing…paramount…

Amonos snapped back to attention. It was not good to let his mind wander when he was being given orders.

“Sir” He barked out. “If the journals still exist, my guard will find them. Some of them have been extremely good at scouting out information. I will meet with them as soon as possible.”

“See that you do” demanded the commander. “Lord Blackthorn has shown a different side to himself. He healed the Gargoyles and now I am sure they will be his ally. We do not want war with the Gargoyles now, after all the work we have done to draw up peace treaties.”

“No Sir” responded Amonos.He was still unsure of Blackthorn as he had been there when His Lady Dawn … his mind had wandered again.

“Permission to leave sir!”

The commander waved him out.

Meet at the Serpent’s Hold RBG hall Monday Sept 3 @ 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
Queen of Cookies
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