EM Notice: Summer has reached Sosaria. Time for a Festival!

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EM Notice: Summer has reached Sosaria. Time for a Festival!

Postby Queen Mum » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:49 pm

From Sonoma EM Events website:
The Summer Festival will take place from June 27 through July 4th. I encourage Guilds and Players to participate by making some of their own events.

This Years Events are as follows

*** Thurs June 27 6 PT opening ceremony and Casino night. We will meet at the Luna Stage ( just outside the city on the south side ). at 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET. From there we will declare the festival open and go to a place for a Darts tournament.

*** Sunday June 30 Fishing day! Everyone is invited to fish up the biggest fish they can. The biggest fish caught on June 30th 2013 will be proudly displayed in our award hall.

*** Monday July 1 The great Luna Race Players will race from Malas to Luna ( This is a foot race.) Meet at the Malas Moongate at 5 PT 6 MT 7 CT 8 ET

*** Wednesday July 3 8 ET 7 CT 6 MT 5 PT Tamers and friend meet at the award hall stage . I ask you to enter a pet entertainment competition. For this you can showcase your pets abilities OR because this is really for entertainment you can get together with a friend and one transform into an animal and you can do a routine that way. This is to set the the atmosphere for Zoo day tomorrow.

*** Thursday July 4th Lubku fills the Zoo all day so people can come and go ( I know this is a family day for many so just pop in and tame a few if you are available) Later we will let off our fireworks and close the faire

And do not forget HOC Friday July 5th
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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