PVP event at mag and mag dock

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PVP event at mag and mag dock

Postby Ham O Let » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:26 am

I usally do not post much or say much in vent. Not that I do not want to I just usally yeild to others. (5 or so players talking at once is tuff enough and then add the excitement of pvp and it goes up times 3) We did something new and there was some mix up. Welcome to pvp, it is always changeing from min. to min. This is kinda what makes it fun and this also makes it not fun.

I just want to say that I think we did a good job at the start. We were not sure about reds of SM (and there allies) guild but we regrouped worked that out and moved forward and retook the mag dock ent. A few of us died (me included) but sometimes you have to die. The SM thing you would not have know about if you do not pvp on a regular bases, and I did not think they would be there myself, or I would have said something at the start. Our numbers is a hugh advantage and once we got spread out this is how we lost the dock and then more and more players were getting upset and things just broke down. Its ok it happens to all pvpers from time to time. I enjoyed hearing players in vent say i got my first kill or i lotted my first red body. To me this is why we do the pvp events.

In pvp everyone can find a way to be helpful to the group and you have to find out what that is, normally by just doing something and see what works for you. (but if your not sure or would like some help ask me and i will work with you). In the group that usally pvp I have become a dismounter. This means I'm on foot and I'm already slow as it is and i die a lot. But this is some time the only way we can kill others so I'm ok with it and I make sure I have lots of insurance gold in the bank before I go out.

Always check to make sure your stuff is insured and have fun with pvp. I'm always gald to try and help out if you have questions or i can find someone that can. We did have a pvp training event and we can always have another) With lag you really need to try to get good at healing yourself and do not be worried about running away, and do not get mad at someone that is trying to stay alive runs away or if someone can not heal you.

I know the event did not go as we thougth it might but PAS is getting better at pvp, were holding more champ spawns and its really groups killing groups or groups killing one player, so we got a big group and I hope to see you all out again.

Ham O Let (Crazy Horse)
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Postby The Havoc » Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:35 am

Yea i think that this guild has great potential when it comes to anything that has to do with UO, ive met more ppl in this guild that are active and heavily geared by far than any other of the guilds i have seen on this game past and present, there is alot of things that you have to get used to when your out pvping because its a whole diferent ballgame than magincia madness or out pvm'ing, and there is alot of things that you have to get used to. for one i will say that if you get frustrated dying or loosing then you might as well not even step foot in fel because to be honest the thing that your going to do more than anything is die and loose stuff =/ i know it seems like a pain in the butt and it is a pain alot of times and all of us get frustrated but ive learned that you eventually have to die 2000 times before you learn how to protect yourself and live, its a slow process and its 180 degrees diferent than it is when your fighting monsters your suit needs to be different its just different all the way around but it is loads of fun once you get the hang of it. everyone that is new to it must understand that your not going to win all the time its just not going to happen like that and never expect it to, there are a few of us that are out pvping all the time, every day we fight or do a spawn or just hassle some reds it takes time and practice but i think i speak for all of us "brit gaters" when i say that we would Love to have more of you out there and i think all of us are willing to take the time to help you with what you dont understand just dont get flustered and angry about it its all in good fun no matter what, i think what happened to pas the other night was a good thing because it shows what some of our main problems are and helps us figure out what we need to work on, like sticking together better, cross healing better, calling targets, relaxing and not getting angry because we are loosing, and working all the way around better as a team, none of those things are terrible i think it was awsome that so many ppl even had the guts to show up out there and fight and keep it up everyone we all have some work to do

P.S. i forgot to mention that not only is pvping fun (which is motivation in itself) but if we got good at running champ spawns it is also Very profitable
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Postby DevilSpawn » Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:48 pm

been out for a few days...

Im impressed with these posts. I think more people look at the hidden tavern though. Anyway, nice to see PAS pvpers (besides jr) posting... and encouraging other people to play... and some pretty good general advice there...
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