Last Patch/Publish issue

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Last Patch/Publish issue

Postby AshOfCaine » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:14 pm

There appears to be an amusing and dangerous bug in the latest client patch that went out this afternoon.

The amusing = ethy mounts are invisible and make rider look like floating through the air.

The Dangerous = So far also identified 2 monsters that are invisible as well, Ratman Archers and Ratman Mages. They are not showing on screen, not even while attacking. So be careful when going near areas where Ratmen are as you may get surrounded without any warning.
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Postby AshOfCaine » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:52 pm

Another patch today is said to have fixed these issues, haven't logged in to check since issue appears 2D only and been playing KR mostly.
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