Rescuing Casca

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Rescuing Casca

Postby AshOfCaine » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:24 pm

Ok, got bored and put together pictures on how to rescue Casca.

If you were following the event speech and clues, you find that Casca was abducted from the Royal Council and dragged through the British Sewers through Minoc and eventually ended up in the Ethereal Fortress.

Since lot of people don't know the Ethereal Fortress and the hidden dungeon there here is how to get there..

First take Moongate to Ilsh Spirituality. There you will run North to the Spider Cave. (yellow dot starting point, green line rough path to take, red dot entrance to spider cave)


The exit from the cave is to the East.


Run East and you will see a circle of pillars, step on the runic symbol in the middle to teleport to Reg Volom (Ethereal island and Fortress)


Run North into the fortress and you will see a black hole leading down, there are lot of ghouls and spectres so be ready.


Now run North and you will see a scroll on the ground at one of the intersections. The scroll has the password you need to say to enter next level. So stand near the scroll and type "masteropenthydoor".


Go through a door and when you get to an intersection go West.


Now you are at the first magically locked door. Here is where it gets REALLY dangerous as you will see ancient liches in that room (even paragons for more fun). How you get through is up to you, most people resign to just getting killed and have someone rez them in the room with Casca since you can say the magic words as a ghost. Stealthing is rough since you will be revealed when speak the words, but could time it right to say the words and hide right away before getting targeted. An easy way is if you have honor worked, then the hard way of having all the passwords on macros and running as fast as you can.

Anyway you choose to do it, stand in front of the door and say "Painless Operation" then head to north door for second password.


Next password is "Safety In Numbers"


Careful up the stairs as next door can be physically opened and balrons and or demons could be waiting on you up the stairs. Open door and run to north door of that room with the balrons and big yew tree (in an under ground dungeon that one heck of a tree).

Password is "futile"


Ok, again be careful (assuming not running through as a ghost) :lol: as again up the stairs could have ogre lords or trogs waiting on you. Go into the room and head to the east door.

Password is "concerto"


Head east and meet Casca. Remember if nothing else you have to say "help" to him to get the scroll for the reward.


Told you it was a lot of pictures.. :lol:

Due to the high likelihood of dieing, I suggest either make sure going with someone that can rez you, use honor or use sacrifice to self rez.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:46 am

Others that did this quest in ghost found that they got the scroll by saying help to Casca. Then they used help to get out, or walk out as they came in. There been people down there resing folks also so if you can self res or get res you can just recall out.

Once out return to Ulrich at the warriors guild in Brit, its north of the brit bank across the river. Use the bridge with all the "rune" markings left over from a EM event.

Also if you are just fast enough and macro all the passwords you can make it in alive, I took handy man in and he made it all the way.

Really not into running 18 charactors or more in on this one as I did the other part. But I got the best dressed Vendors in PAS, just check out Drake's island.

Note, they fix it so that you can no longer get the note as a ghost, you have to be alive in order to receive it. So have a freind res you down there, and if you need help getting res down there contact me as I have a mage in the room ready to help. Be sure to say "help" to Casca before you recall out :)
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