Joining PAS

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Joining PAS

Postby dragonsbane » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:39 pm

Hi, not sure if this is the right area for this but here it goes. I have been playing UO on and off for about 5 years. I had one friend that i played with that has recently given up playing.
I have always seen PAS members around and have always wanted to join a guild.
Is PAS accepting new members? If you are how would one join?
P.S. I have always played PVM and never PVP, not sure if this would affect anything but i would be willing to learn PVP if required.
Thanks in advance
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:09 pm

Welcome to the forum, I have seen you at Melissa. As for joining PAS I am sure our GM will attempt to contact you, but an icq/aim number posted from you would speed up his contacting you.

You may have seen the calendar here and please note we doing Gauntlet this evening, feel free to drop by Skara bank [Tram] 8pm CDT that is 6pm PDT. You get to meet King David [aka KD] and a few more of us.

Others here/there will tell you the best way to learn about PAS is to attend such events that are posted. All times for meetings are at 8pm CDT [6pm PDT]. So drop in this evening and again welcome to PAS forum.

KD icq is # 137-449-336
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Postby dragonsbane » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:33 pm

Hi, Thanks for the reply Lord Drakelord. I do not have an ICQ but i can start one. I will try to make the meeting tonight, but i get off work at 5:30 so hopefully i will not miss it. Thank you for the information, I look forward to meeting you and other PAS membrers, Thanks again.
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Postby Mystique » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:38 pm

dragonsbane--Hello, This is Mystique of PAS--Also was Sky of KVP. I remember you playing.

What guild did you belong to, if one at that time?

Hope to see you at Gauntlet tonight, your more than welcome to go with us. We meet at Scara Brea at 6:00 Pacific Daylight Time. 8:00 Central.
*Hugs & Smiles*

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Postby dragonsbane » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:26 pm

Hi Mystique,
The only guild that i have been in was one that me and my friend made called Defenders of Britian, We only had 2 members :lol: , Me and my friend. i gave up my account along time ago and bought this account about 4 years ago, so i don't know who owned it before me. I know some people think it is lame to buy accounts, but i did not want to start over from scratch that's my story. I will try to make it the gauntlet tonight. I also have another account that i started about 2 years ago and my main character is FUBAR.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:57 am

Guess you miss us last night. We had a blast and couple folks got arties. Tonight we doing a non bedlam Peerless, that could be either a trav, or Lady M if we get keys, or the Tokuno CS, not sure myself when that is on the calendar.

KD was not there last night, I think he was out of town last night. But I think he will be on today.
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Postby dragonsbane » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:59 am

Yeah i was unable to even log on last night, I ended up having to stay late at work :( , I was sad too because i have never gone to the gauntlet. I will not be able to get on tonight as we have several meetings after work, looks like i won't be able to get back on until saturday night or sunday morning, work is killing me....
When i get a chance i will set up a ICQ account so i can ICQ KD, Thanks
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:04 am

dragonsbane wrote:Yeah i was unable to even log on last night, I ended up having to stay late at work :( , I was sad too because i have never gone to the gauntlet. I will not be able to get on tonight as we have several meetings after work, looks like i won't be able to get back on until saturday night or sunday morning, work is killing me....
When i get a chance i will set up a ICQ account so i can ICQ KD, Thanks

Well no worries we do the Gauntlet alot in PAS, and feel free to pop in this weekend. I see Sunday will be a fun time. Saturday they doing a Fel CS it seems but that is subject to change if they don't get enough volunteers to go to Felucca.

Do ICQ KD when you can. Till then, have fun.
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Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:59 am

sorry I missed the event last night, had to take the wife to a hospital for a sleep test overnight, and got back later than I hoped.

I will catch up to you sometime today or this weekend, FUBAR .... Ill be on and off the next 3 days and nights.

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Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:34 pm

oh, and dont worry about not pvping. One of our guild rules is that no PAS will ever be forced to do anything they dont want to do.

We do encourage our members to try events they havent done before, and we help them prep their armor, weps, etc so they are successful ingame at all events, pvm or pvp.

We also dont worry if u dont make it to many PAS events. Our members have real life and one of our guild mottos is "RL first", and we mean it.

We have about 130 players in PAS, and some play every night, some play once a month, etc etc. We have all ages in PAS, all player styles except griefers (we do not allow any PAS to grief others ingame).

The goal is to provide as many fun events for all of our members so that everyone has several events a week that they want to show and have fun in.

The reason we do ask our members to try other events is simple: its easier and more fun when we have more of our members ingame. There are some events that we just cannot do without 10 or 15 or 20 members at the event.

So if I am a pvmer mostly, I would try to come to the fel champ spawns to help kill monsters, knowing Im helping the team, and knowing that our pvpers will handle the pvp if we get raided, and I'm not expected to pvp if that happens.

For example, if we get 8 to show for a fel CS ... then Ill change the event to another event that the 8 can handle ... if we get 15 show for the fel CS, we will do the event as scheduled, because we rarely get raided when we have numbers ingame, and even if we do, we normally can sneak out with the loot (power scrolls) etc even if most of us die.

And we always have fun. We are the good guys in Sonoma, and with the help of our allies from the Alliance, we are able to do events that other guilds and solo players simply cant do ingame due to numbers, skill limitations, etc.

I hope u have a blast with us!

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Postby dragonsbane » Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:21 pm

Thanks for the information, i am thrilled at the prospect of joining PAS. I love playing UO and one of the reasons i would like to join PAS is to be able to enjoy the game with others and learn new things (there is so many things in UO that i find out about everyday), In fact i was brousing this site and found out all the info on virtues and what each one does, I had no idea one could resurrect themself. I will set up a ICQ account within the next few days at home so i can contact you. Thanks again

oh yeah, as for events i am game for anything, i just want to learn.
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hey dragonsbane

Postby pretty_lil_pixie » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:07 pm

tell u sum thin welcome and i hope that u have fun i luv bein in pas and hope u do too i dont make it to many pas events and im doin real life things rite now so i wont be on for a long time well have fun and i hope ta see u in game soon
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