A lovely lady has left her mark in everyones heart.

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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:13 am

I am in Dallas at a work session for a school group, and I finally have computer access.

I'm like Jr, I dont know how to respond yet, its been a really rough time since Beth and Jr. called me to let me know, and I know its affecting others as much and more.

I hope to get home around 6pm tonight (Wed), will post more then.

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i will miss her

Postby Sir Peter » Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:41 am

i will miss her for i thought of her as my mother
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Postby Brianna » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:38 pm

as with others i am at a loss of what to say sosh was there for me ingame as well as irl she was one of many moms that i have and she gave me her two cents anytime i needed someone to talk to she never pushed her point of view onto us she just gave us her opinion then stepped back to let us think about it

about two weeks ago i logged in with butterflies in my tummy needing to talk to someone and my own mom just wasnt the person who i wanted to talk to at that time i seen sosh ingame and we worked and worked to get her vent going so that i could share my secret after many attempts we just sat ingame talking about all the wonderful things happening irl and she never once brought up the pain of real life everything was always positive

i love you and miss you sosh and my thoughts are with your family
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:56 pm

Ill keep this short (for me) ... every so often I read posts on forums by people that ridicule others for "taking a game so seriously".

They "hate" people that do that.

I always shake my head when I read that and I pity them.

They obviously never met a friend ingame that was a true, true friend.

They obviously never were in a guild that showed them any sort of compassion (or they simply ignored it).

They obviously were never in a guild like PAS, where most of us do feel like a real family.

They obviously never met someone ingame that made a difference in how they see things or hear things or view things.

They also obviously never met Soshana.

No one that spent even a few minutes ingame with her could come away feeling like those criticizers do.

I pity them. For not having more family. For not caring about others, only themselves. I am richer for knowing Soshana, and I believe we all feel that way.

I wont ever forget her kindness to others. I wont ever forget her determination to come play with us even though she was ailing. I wont ever forget her voice in ventrilo, especially her laugh. It was priceless.

She was my guildmate, my friend, my sister. She brightened my life even though our time with her was cut short.

And I pity those that never got to know her. She literally rocked Sonoma.

*bows to Soshana*

Safe journeys, Soshana *hugs*. I know wherever you went from here just got a little brighter with your presence.

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Postby Taylanna » Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:57 pm

*literally wipes a tear from my eyes*
That was beautiful KD
It is true that she will missed
and you said everything very well.
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Postby The Havoc » Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:28 pm

Very sorry indeed to hear about Sosh..... i havent been on in awhile and i got the msg on icq =( ill pray for her family, just so you guys know you people i met and played with here in PAS are by far the best and nicest group of ppl ive met in my life and i am very glad i have been a part of this family thru the good times and the bad... miss you all very much, love ya Sosh
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Postby Axe_Fisher » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:45 am

There are no words to describe what she has done for all of us, including me, simply then I'm glad to have met a person such as her. She will be missed dearly. Sorry... I'm just still recovering from the shock of it, best I can think of to post currently, she was such a lively and friendly person, hard to believe she's gone.
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im sry for the loss of our dear soshana

Postby pretty_lil_pixie » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:02 pm

so many memories popped into my head when i heard bout soshana.......just wish that she could have stayed longer....all the good times talking to her in vent and going out and fighting wit her it was fun and she always tried ta help sum one out and i hope that she is there thro her daughter in uo but now that i see it i hope that she rests in peace.....i thought that i would drop in and pay my respects and every one will be in my prayers and reddogg im sry ta hear this :(
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