Need Help with Banned Account

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Need Help with Banned Account

Postby Plato » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:21 am

My account has been banned, and I need to know if there is anything I can do about it. Here is whats goin on...

The night I was going to transfer my chars over to sonoma, a player who is not in PAS asked me to take a water tile over for him. Nobody in PAS said they knew who he was, but when he offered to give me 2 mil once i was on sonoma I agreed. I figured if he backed out once I was on sonoma, I just would not give him his water tile back, and could probably sell it since I had never seen one before so they must be rare. He then said he had another friend who would be on in a half hour to an hour, and they would pay me to take some stuff for them as well. This is where the $$ signs flashed in my eyes and I figured I was already coming over, why not make some gold doin it. So I agreed to wait. About 20-30 minutes into waiting, a GM pulled me into jail and said I had been found in possesion of an illegal item. I tried explaining that the Water Tile was not mine, and that I had been asked to transfer it to sonoma. The GM would not listen, saying I was the one found in possesion, and that by admitting I was going to transfer it, I show that I was planning on keeping it, not deleting it. The GM said I could expect an email with the details of what would happen. Then my connection went dead, and I could not log into my account on any char on any shard. I tried calling EA but was not able to get a person on the line untill the next day. All they woudl tell me was that they could not change a GM's decission but that I could submit a petition on line. The email EA sent me is telling me that my account has been permanently banned, not just a 3 day ban like last time.

When I first started playing UO, someone sold me a runebook that would never run out of runes no matter how many you dropped from it. They said it was a rare item, and a great way to make money so I bought it. It was a lot faster money then collecting leather which i had been doing for gold. As a new player I didn't realize this book was illegal, and I spent about a day and a half dropping runes and selling them to NPC's right in luna. Somone figured out what I was doing after watching me for a day and a half, and paged a GM. The book was confiscated and my account was banned for 3 days.

So now what do I do? I already had a ban for an illegal item, and they wount listen to me that this one was not even mine. I am trying to write the best petition possible, but Im not sure what would be best to say. If anybody has any advice, please let me know. I can not loose this account. It is the only one I have with built characters, and all my stuff. I have worked way to hard to loose everything. Pleas, any advice anybody may have would be GREATLY appreciated.

As for the items people gave me to transfer over, I am so sorry. This was totally my fault, and I take full responsibility. I got greedy when they told me how much they woud pay me to bring over an item I knew nothing about, and I let my guard down. I am so sorry that it is affecting other people.
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Postby KDSonoma » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:33 am

well what hurts is that its a second offense ... UO marks accounts when people report someone or when they get temp bans.

We had a PAS with a warning from 8 yrs ago about unattended macroing, and then 8 yrs later he did it again and got caught ... perma banned his accounts.

There wasnt anything any of us could do, especially since they warned him once.

I expect this would be the same here unfortunately. So u dont even remember the PAS members name that gave it to ya?

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Postby Plato » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:35 am

It was not a PAS member that gave it to me. The character was named Obama. He apparently heard I was taking a char over and asked me to take stuff for him.
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Postby KDSonoma » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:54 am

ah ok ... make sure u include his name to UO.

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Postby Tracy » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:49 pm


Water tiles sell for upwards of 250 mil, but also are highly illegal. I have heard of people getting perma banned for a first offense with a water tile.

It sounds like the guy came into possession of the item and didn't know what to do with it, but was a lamer so decided to get someone banned.

Not sure about that, but it sounds like he handed it to you and immediately paged a GM.

Either that or a random GM was invisible in luna walking around checking packs and you just had really bad timing. Not sure which.

Sorry to hear this happened to you, but I don't know that the GMs will let you get unbanned. I'll hope for your sake that they do, but there is no guarantee.
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Postby wild flower » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:41 pm

Sorry to hear about your account hun -- as for the items you were bringing for me NO WORRIES. It was just stuff that would be nice but not a heart breaker. Hope you get things worked out.
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