Scare of my Life

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Scare of my Life

Postby Endrik » Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:56 pm

So, from what I have heard and seen at least 2 members of PAS have been banned for stupid reasons. I was on Stratics today, and there are a lot of posts about accounts being banned for no reason at all. One person was talking about a new round of burning houses on Europa and I thought I would log in to see. So I start up UO, enter my name and password, and guess what... yep, my account has been blocked. Im not gonna lie, I almost peed my pants. Well after taking a minute to breath and calm down I actually read the Block message, and I had just forgotten to update my expiration date on my credit card. Once I updated it my account was back up and running. But man that scared the junk out of me! As is with all the posts on stratics and a few of our own members having problems Im too scared to buy anything in game, weather its a rare, a nice weapon or piece of armor, or a house. Hell, im scared to even take the 10gp off of a mongbat corpse after killing it myself.

On a side note... how lucky are we? I am terrified to do anything in game, and this is just a game. How must it have felt to live under Nazi rule when there were secret police running rampet doing whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted without any reason or proof needed. This is bad enough in an online game world, I cant even imagine what some people have had to endure in real life throughout history.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:58 pm

Ya I have had the very same scare, so can relate there.
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Postby Tracy » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:58 pm


I've had ban scares, but never was banned.

I had fallen asleep one night with a finger on the keyboard holding down a macro, woke up a bit later and looked around to see blue gates everywhere (the unattended macroing room) and the connection lost message.

Tried to log back in and got the 'blocked' error message. My heart sunk.

I read the message and it said it was blocked due to nonpayment, apparently while I slept they tried to charge my card, almost the same circumstances as you. Fixed my card, logged in and the sign in the room I was in said something to the affect of "you have been placed in this room by a GM due to unattended macroing. This is your only warning. Use any gate to exit. There were 8 one-way moongates in the room, and no door to enter it. I have no idea where on the map this place actually was, but I got my warning already. So now I don't macro for gains anymore. Just to be safe.
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Postby Taylanna » Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:50 pm

That is horrible!
I had a some-what scare like that
but i was stupid and it was all about a password
I had changed my password
and I forgot i changed it
and I got so mad! I kept trying to log in with the old password
so i stopped for like 2 days
then it dawned on me
I changed my password :P
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Postby AshOfCaine » Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:05 pm

Yeah I scare myself at least once every other week, but often more than that, when I accidentally hit the caps lock key and then it doesn't recognize my password. Took me a good 4 or 5 times before i learned (slow learner what can i say) that when get a problem logging in to stop and check if caps lock is on (my keyboard doesn't have a light so have to type in a non password field) before I start freaking out.
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Postby Brianna » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:49 am

okay so the other day im talking to shino in icq and we decided that for safety sake i need to change my passwords so that an ex doesnt have them anymore so we change all of my accounts passwords and life is great......

couple days later i go to wildflowers house and log in using the new password everything is fine i then go to change to a different account and type in the old password and flip out cause it gives me the typical error message omg whats happened someone has hacked my account i flip out cant log into the website whole nine yards so i do the send me my password request and call ea all for safety sake cause been there done that got 2 t-shirts and dont want a 3rd well while waiting for ea to answer it dawns on me and shino changed my passwords duh

so i definately understand that scary feeling of thinking your accounts are banned or hacked
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