Siege Perilous

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Siege Perilous

Postby Endrik » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:28 pm

So I have finally decided to make a char on Siege. It really kinda sucks being a newb again, but at the same time, it has really reminded me how fun and magical this game was when I first started playing. I find myself picking up pieces of armor and all kinds of little junk again. Anyway, this is the first time I have ever made a character on Siege, so I was wondering if anybody had advice. Anything from what kind of character I should make, to where to hunt or what guilds to avoid. Anything you can recommend or warn about, just leave me a message here, and hopefully others will benefit from it as well. Thanks.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:03 pm

In Trinsic there is a dungeon inside the city, over where the faction HQ is I believe, inside is earths, and fire ele's. You can be attack there so be careful. In Town it is a guard zone, but inside that small dungeon it is not.

If you can get in touch with the guild [NEW] you will be better off, there is more or less an unspoken agreement with most of Siege to leave [NEW] alone. During the time you are in it you are fairly safe, not sure how to contact them except asking at the Siege forums at Stratics or


You cannot buy skills, nor sell items to NPCs, they use what is called ROT to train where we all have the GGS. There is alot of good folks on Siege, but also there is alot of bad folks, as to whom to avoid or trust, I have to say that the Ianstorm Alliance is the best there. Some very kind folks in this alliance. They are a little smaller then I remember them.

Another good allinace is the Crusaders of the Eight Virtues. As for the rest there are good folks and bad in most guilds there, if they drop you before you say hi, they bad. If they loot you dry they bad. And drop try to get your stuff back if you do get res from a wondering healer as they will drop you again.
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