My Birthday Wish

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My Birthday Wish

Postby Brianna » Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:51 pm

okay guys after careful consideration i know what i want for my birthday...I want to conquer felluca ice dungeon :ninja: :smt065...but there is a kicker to how i want to accomplish this........NAKED

yep you heard me armor save for jewelry
yep you heard me armor save for weapons

okay so maybe we can wear some sunglasses cause all them white bodies would make it hard to see :flat: but basically the less armor/items that need to be insured the better and we just run around and kill kill kill :RIP: seeing as how the calendar says it is my pick on what we do on the 19th that's what i want to do

love the infamous Bri
:frog :KnightWhite: :WildMan: :KnightBlack: :Ninjia1:
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Postby brewrite » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:48 pm

Happy birthday suits haha
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Postby Big Bertha » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:34 am

What did I tell you about NO GETTING NAKED in this house? :smt114 Happy Birthday Brianna, Love Mom!
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