Change to Vendor policy on TC

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Change to Vendor policy on TC

Postby Lord Drakelord » Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:01 am

In the past people were pulling items from the vendor to beat the daily charges, when this happens they will fine they cannot get away with it.

Oh, no, not at all. Here, allow me to clarify this:

Right now, its possible to put an item on a vendor for sale for 5,000,000. This item would incur a daily charge of 10,000. However, if the savvy cheater takes the item off their vendor right before the daily charge occurs, and then places it back on, they don't have to pay their fees.

When you stack this effect on a vendor selling dozens and dozens of high-end items, the owner is literally escaping all maintenance costs.

This change will require items that you're charging for (not free) to remain on the vendor for at least 24 hours. If the item is removed before then, by the owner (its fine of course if its sold), then a "Vending Penalty" is placed on the item for the value of its daily charge. The next time the item is placed on a vendor to be sold, the vendor will refuse to sell it unless they can debit that amount from their account.

Also, the vending penalty won't be active for the first half hour, in case someone places an item by mistake, mis-prices it, or suddenly decides to give it away.

After 24 hours, the item won't have a vending penalty if removed by the owner.

Free items will remain free, this is not that sort of change :)

P.S. It wasn't in the patch notes, but the other additional change to vendors is that items placed on the vendor's paperdoll, that are for sale, will charge the correct amount daily (which it has not, up to now).
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Lord Drakelord
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