Masters Degree (Any Advice?)

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Masters Degree (Any Advice?)

Postby Endrik Elder » Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:50 am

I graduated with my Bachelors Degree in Business Management a few months ago, and I'm having trouble finding a job. As much as I love UO, I feel pretty lame sitting at home while my wife works all day. With the economy the way it is I don't know how long it will take to find a job, so I have been considering going back to school for a Masters Degree (MBA).
While researching schools online I have found that in most cases an MBA will cost anywhere from $30,000 to $150,000 depending on where you want to go. However, I found an online university that offers an MBA for under $9,000. Its self paced so I can go through the program as quickly or slowly as I like. It is nationally accredited through The Distance Education Training Council (DETC), which is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Basically it all looks like a very good system, and you really can't beat the price. The only catch I have found so far is that I do not actually get my degree until my tuition is completely payed off. This seems like a fair enough arrangement though considering the price.

Here is a link to the school... I am looking at getting an MBA in Human Resources.

My question to you guys is... Do you think this is a good deal, and something worth pursuing? Does anybody have any advice an masters degrees in general, or on "Online Schooling"? Is there anything more I should look into or be aware of?

Thanks for any help or advice you guys have.
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Postby Maldar » Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:04 pm

Here are a couple Web pages to check out regarding both, California Coast University and the good/bad points of DETC credits: ... University ... a/DETC.htm

Best of luck! :)
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Postby Sagan » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:59 pm

My younger brother got his masters this past spring and still can't find a job. Of course his degree is in Political Science. Maybe you'll have better luck.
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Postby Irwin Hunter » Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:26 pm

I would say, beware. Getting further education will get you more cash for a job, but if there are none available to hire you, you more or less have spent 150k for a zirconium and no diamond. Then all that work your wife does, goes to pay off your debt.
Been through all of this myself. You will finally go out just to get any job only to be told you are overqualified and should apply for position that you will stick around in. You are left wondering if you are a total putz and they are grasping for an excuse, to trying to apply for a job that you went to school for only to be pushed out by someone from a better college or with better grades, or just flat out is perhaps a better interviewer, or lucky, or whatever gets a person the job.

I know this idea sucks, but, maybe try a restaurant francise? They run your @@(*& off. I do not think I have ever seen a happy regional, or district manager. Have you tried the school board? You have your degree.

If all else fails, start your own business. Only draw back with running your own business is the overhead. You are your own boss, though :evil:

Talk to your wife, maybe she might have some words of wisdom. Or an idea, plus, she cannot be mad if she was part of the decision equation 8)

Just be sure to ask her nicely to be gentle with her critique and stick to solutions not more situations.
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Postby Atta Kquast » Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:59 am

My Mom (58 yrs) is very close to completing her MBA (Human Resources) thru University of Phoenix. The online classes fit her schedule very well, and she generally likes the classes. She travels a lot cross-country as a Benefits Mgr. and even does schooling on the road. Her company is paying her back as she goes based on class grades. (B or better).

The best way (of course, and a pickle in your current situation) is to pay for an MBA is to work for a company that pays for your schooling. Of course, if you leave that company before the defined term, typically 2-5 years, you'll have to pay it all back. Also some companies get discount rates because they send a lot of folks through.

I worked for Abbott Laboratories which is just north of Chicago. They have a great program through Northwestern University as well as University of Chicago, and if you know of it, Lake Forest College. They would require a 3-year commitment in the program after you graduate, or pay it back (at the discount rate).

So a good recommendation might be do the online schooling, and get active in HR organizations to get your face out there even more and get certifications in a few specialties. I know my mom just got a couple of certs for something on the east coast. Cant remember what tho. PM me if you want me to dig any HR info for you.
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Postby Horizon » Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:02 pm

*** I don't know if anyone mentioned this above, but national accreditation is not good. You will receive a certificate, not a masters degree.

Need to look at a regionally accredited school.
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