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General UO questions

Postby LoL/Myst » Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:10 pm

So I've been back playing for maybe a week now and have some question to get me caught up and/or competitive again:

1) Money - As I posted before my current UO goal is a keep or castle (prefer keep). I've been IDOC hunting (which i used to have a lot of success with) but with no real luck. I did have a fairly worn castle I was watching but it got refreshed. =/

So all that said, it looks like I probably need to start planning for the possibility of having to buy one. I've noticed that inflation is alive and well in UO ( :lol: ) and my $2 mil wont get me much anymore. I've got some old rewards and maybe some rares, but being a collector/hoarder, I'd rather try to generate some $$$ the old fashioned way. My best chars are either my pure mage or my fencer/pally. Any suggestions on low-risk high-reward cash generators out there for those classes?

2) Skills - I've got a few chars stuck in the 80s on a bunch of skills (combats skills, magery, lumberjacking, taming, inscription, cartography ...). Is there any tricks for any of these to help reduce the grind? My biggest concern is probably taming ... I've been tooling around with that char for years and the thought of spending more time with polar bears and snow panthers makes me want to cry. Ideas?

Now i know there are two typed of scrolls that can help with this now, is there a good, low risk area to farm scrolls to help with training?


Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance

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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:51 pm

I used to go fight Miasma with my swordsman...was great money but a little you get the chance for some arties and the treasure chests...With the changes in the BoS it would be worth going there again I think...the key to fighting her was to honor her and spam lightning strike...if you have bushido of course
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Postby LoL/Myst » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:28 pm

Bushido char is too low unfortunately =(

I'll look at that as a possibility though
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Postby Chalnoth Tholl » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:31 pm

I stll thing you can do the Miasmas....mage with Arachnid/or scorp slayer EVs and FS. Good cash from dragons.

You just gona have to suck it up and tame like the rest of us slobs :shock:
White wolves , bulls ,ridgeback, kirin/uni, mares & dragons not necessarily in that order. just keep at it till you whimper then go lumber jacking !

Cartography, inscription, Alchemy and other crafting skills can use the Satyr trick to increase gains. Take a beetle with supplies and get discorded by a satyr and you will gain more quickly.

For pinks: Jump into any champ spawns folks are doing for pinks, or try farming the first two levels on your own.

Most of all don't get discouraged...bring the characters that need work to the Events, that way there are folks there that have your back and we tend as a group to go after higher end spawn so your gains are more likely. Don't miss the doom runs, great gains there for just about anything.
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:35 pm

THat is true too...I did take my mage there quite a bit as well and he did fairly well
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Postby LoL/Myst » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:08 pm

Thanks for the continued advice. Ist worth bringing anything other than an ranged character or tamer to Doom? Seems like LoL would get killed very quickly trying to Melee anything in there. =)

I'll keep at the taming ... but *snore* ... maybe I can convince them to buff rune beetles and then I'll just be able to make due with what I have. =)

Any recommendation for commonly camped champ spawns?
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:31 am

dont forget that you could get 30 taming from your jewelry, and then could still work taming as you play to bring it up (even if its getting your one guaranteed .1 gain a day, over time that would help, and you would get to play with a higher taming level during that time.

I did that with dischord. Wokred it to 80 then added jewels, then just played and worked it up slowly.

Of course that limits your jewelry but its a thought. But yes, if u want to be a 120 tamer its going to be rough and take time no matter what u do.

As for gauntlet, the few melee guys that play there might have advice, but it seems tamers and archers tend to survive longer and get decent chances for arties.

Good luck and dont get discouraged!

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Postby LoL/Myst » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:57 am

Thanks KD,

I got to 80.1 last night (took about 2 hours for maybe 1 full point of gain). I've got +23 in jewelry but I need to find a better power scroll, as my current one is only 105 (so I'm capped with my +23). Any idea what I can expect to pay for 120 taming? I could go 115 but I'll eventually need to buy 120 anyway...

Unfortunately my chars are all were originally built pre AoS, so they tend to have skills that dont seem as useful anymore (seriously, how long has it been since melee was good for group PvE?). I really should take one of my melee chars and switch to necro or the newer caster class (is throwing any good?), I just hate to turn down skills.

Seven is still the max number of char slots right? Being able to start a new one would definitely be a plus. =)
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:23 pm

Just a note...must be gargoyle to use throwing I believe...hehe...that means SA
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:45 pm

last taming 120 I saw on Sonoma was priced at 4.5 mill and was gone pretty fast. Not sure if thats the exact market price, but other shards show them from 4-6 mill.

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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:49 pm

oh and if u need a wand to help train magery lemme know. The -20 something wands are great, because when u equip one it lowers your magery by that amount, like 25 ... that means you can throw cheaper, smaller spells for gains.

So if you started, bought it to 40 in new haven, equipped a-29 wand, u would be at 11 and would gain every time till u hit 32 or so. Then drop the wand and it shows your true magery at 61! Thats a fast way to get to 61 magery, and it works at higher levels too, because u gain faster on skills at lower levels.

Just let me know if u need one and Ill get my treasure hunter to dig one up for you.

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Postby LoL/Myst » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:52 pm

That is a great idea KD. I'll definitely take advantage of that. I should have a wand or two from my fishing ... I'll let you know if I dont.

Do you know if the wand debuff stacks with the Satyr? That could make it MUCH easier. =) ... Now if they would only add debuff stuff to Taming ;)
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:05 pm

seems someone tried that and said it did not stack, it dischorded off the normal skill level. But that was awhile ago, worth trying. let us know if that works!

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Postby LoL/Myst » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:15 pm

didnt seem to work well ... it did stack: got down to 48 Magery, but in 20 mins of casting i only got one .1

I got more .1s casting EVs in Doom tonight. Dunno, maybe I did something wrong.
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Postby Chalnoth Tholl » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:29 pm

As far as Dexers and Doom. If you have a Necro_Dexeer (look up Shinos template on the boards) you casn stand toe-to-toe with the FD in a group. Solo is well not recommended. Also the Sanpier (sp?) High Necro/fighter should be able to hold his own with a group.
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