News Report: The Citizens unite and try Espionage

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News Report: The Citizens unite and try Espionage

Postby Queen Mum » Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:37 pm

Posted on the Sonoma EM Events website ...
January 18th, 2011
Author: Emeira ~ Keeper of Time

Moira’s shade presented her findings to the gathering in front of the Luna Fairground stage. Everyone listened carefully and were eager to help. After a brief conversation with Lily the fortune teller they decided it would be best to start at the place that Moira remembered seeing the Enslaved Warrior runoff. Carefully they found their way North of Delucia into T2A where the Sphinx reside. It was quiet there.Even the wind seemed to be avoiding the area this day Not like the last time they had visited and been set upon by the other Enslaved Warriors. A search was arranged and people looked under all the rocks and behind all the bluffs. Finally Hera announced that she had found a book. Moira’s Shade remembered that the Enslaved Warrior had been reading.

“Lead me to it please ” she requested

The group made a protective ring around her and led her to the book. It was a kind gesture though she knew nothing could kill her now.

“I can not open the book. Will you read me the words? Perhaps it will help my memory.”

They read it aloud and Moira sat and contemplated for a while.


“A pack of humans is not a nice thing to say. A holding cell? For what purpose?”

Many ideas were put forth. None were too pleasant. Everyone agreed that a stop had to be put to this. It was imperative that they find the Blood Queens Lair.

Moira remembered following the Warrior to a cool place with water. An Oasis in the middle of the desert. There was green grass and trees for shade there.The warrior had sat by the little lake and drank. He had then pulled out some food to eat. No sooner had the food come out, than big rats, smelling the rich aroma,charged at him and he had to fight for his life. His shirt got torn and a piece of it remained near the water. He fled then to the North west toward the shore. She related this memory to everyone and they set out for the coastline.


The trip was ominous as they made their way along the path. Eerie feelings gripped at their bones. Stone gargoyles, rat men and wyvern attacked the citizens as they passed through the beasts territory.The people defended themselves bravely as they proceeded. Just around a bend they started to smell the salty air that indicated they were close. An breeze kissed their faces and they knew they were near. Soon they arrived at the sea side.

“Oh!!” Moira Moaned. “I’ve just remembered more. There is a passageway hidden behind the rocks and craigs but it is guarded by a very large sentinel. Be ..”


It was too late. the first guard has ascended upon them and they had to fight hard for their life. Then a second, third and fourth.. Finally they had a clear view of the place where Moira said there would be a passageway. It was just a rock. No passageway. Some wondered if Moira was just luring them here for the Blood queen to play with. NO! It was not so. Moira remembered a gate!. She begged them to listen. The Warrior had said YSUR HYYV!


Captain Robert Morrigan was there. He was listening to Moira, always willing to believe her. But he saw nothing there. She pleaded with Bob to believe!

Captain Bob looked at her and spoke gently but firmly. “Moira there is no gate and YSUR HYYV is gibb……” As the words came out of his mouth a bubble formed in the rock outcrop and a passage could be seen. It was there just as Moira had said.

“Careful!” She yelled as the group ran through.


They should have realized the Blood Queen would have slaves and enslaved warriors to protect and serve her. They would have to very quietly dispose of them so that they could get close enough to read her Diary. Reckless slipped a knife into the back of one while Beast Slayer Cantra and Clym quickly silenced another. Hera ,Gjo Imp, Taylor and Toto lead Purdy and some other pets around to sleeping area where several were playing a gambling game. Jocelyn,Marco, Kupoking, Lemon, Leanna and Marshal set off to another area of the Lair while Orion, Tesra,Vershawn, Sandy, Sheila, and Forrest searched for hidden doors and chambers. Sufferein, Guy,Samuel, and Chocolate Moose felt sure that they saw shadows behind a curtain. Sue Paranoid, Mystery and Chosen were making other slaves speak no more. All were grateful for the Bandages Queen Mum administered as needed.

Once all the Slaves were quieted, the group very very quietly creeped up behind the curtain to see what they could hear. They did not want to alert the Blood Queen and be subjected to her wrath. They all knew they needed information to help free the others. As they listened they heard a conversation between the Blood Queen and one of her Slaves.

How many did we lose?

Enslaved Warrior
All of the steeds were lost!
And most of the Enslaved warriors
Some remain
They are guarding our project

in an angry voice
I loved my Steeds
Someone will pay for this!

I have taken it upon Myself to train
some new pets

A scratching sound of Quill on parchment is heard

And where might I find these pets?

speaks in a low murmur that can not be understood

marks the book again
Come I wish to inspect them

Once the Warrior and Blood Queen departed the troop broke down The coffin that was barring their way behind the curtain and searched until they found the Diary. As they turned the pages they realized that it was all gibberish.

“Not Gibberish ” Stated Reckless. This is code. If we all put our heads together we can Decipher it.

Hera looked at it. “This code id giving me a head ache.” She sighed.

Reckless was sure they could solve it. He pulled out a quill from his pack and went to work.

“Not here!” said Jocelyn. “The Blood Queen could come back. Lets all go home and work on it!”
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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