EM event: Royal Guard Summoned! (Sat. Jan 29th)

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EM event: Royal Guard Summoned! (Sat. Jan 29th)

Postby Queen Mum » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:34 pm

Post received from Sonoma EM Events website ...

Background story ...

Moria finds the Portal key - in the wrong hands!

The Shade of Moria was having more and more difficulty focusing. It was so much easier to just… drift. But there was something important that had to be done. Very important. Something about a person. A woman. Memory hit Moria like a hammer. She was once again able to focus. She had to follow the Blood Queen and find out what she was doing.

Just thinking of the Blood Queen took Moria to her. The Blood Queen was at the entrance of a Tram dungeon casting a spell. Once the spell was complete she pulled out a green key, looked at it smiling then put it back in her pocket. The Blood Queen entered the dungeon.

The Shade of Moria quickly followed, but at the entrance she hit a wall and could go no farther. But Moria had seen enough. Time to alert the Guards. The Blood Queen had the portal key and was using it in one of the dungeons!

Help is needed ... the ROYAL GUARD IS SUMMONED!!

The Shade of Moria has reported seeing the Blood Queen enter a Tram dungeon with the portal key. Royal Guard I have an assignment for you. Scout the dungeons and find out which one she is using!

Please bring your findings to the Brit Castle throne room Sat (1/29) at 6 pt!
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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