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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:23 am

I just wanted to say what I did to open the PAS XMAS Party last night, for the benefit of the PAS who couldnt make it.

We tend to run through RL and ingame taking things and other people for granted way too often (myself included).

I wanted to stop and thank all the members of PAS for being a part of what we are in UO. PAS's strength is our diversity. While its true we all share several traits in common (we like to help others, we like to have fun), we are all very different people, and thats a great thing.

Every time I meet other PAS or UO players in RL, we automatically have something in common, we play UO. That is such a cool icebreaker, and it constantly amazes me that I ALWAYS consider those people I meet as RL friends, even if they arent in PAS.

But I did want to thank everyone for coming to PAS events, for helping other players ingame, for taking time to get in vent and chat with other PAS.

This guild is the most incredible guild ever made ... we continue to push forward, having fun, dealing with a constantly changing game, with new PAS coming, with old PAS retiring, and yet we are always one thing, we are PAS.

I'm so thankful for my Rl family, my wife Janice, who tolerates me having another life in UO, my kids ... who I would NEVER trade for anyone else ... who absolutely amaze me with the things they say and do ... what incredible young ladies they have become in such a short time.

Im thankful for all my PAS guildmates ... its u that keep me here in UO ... while I love this game, I would not be here still playing if PAS didnt exist.

Im thankful for the old school PAS that have been with us for so long ... Im thankful for the new PAS that recently joined us .... Im thankful for the families of PAS members, who let them come here and play as much as they do.

And last but certainly not least for me, Im thankful for Kyra .... just hearing her voice in Vent makes my day. If my RL day sucks ... I know all I need to do is hear her voice in vent and things get better right away.

Thank you, Kyra .... *hugs and kisses*.

I cant imagine a day without Kyra .... and I cant imagine a day without PAS.

So this holiday season, I just wanted to take time to thank everyone again for enriching my life through UO, and through PAS. And of course, I dont restrict that just to PAS members ... I see all KVP, KMG, THB as PAS guildmates of mine.

Thanks everyone for taking time to make PAS what we are!


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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:48 pm



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Postby Tracy » Sun Dec 24, 2006 3:57 pm

Joining PAS was the best choice I've made in my time in UO. My thanks go out to KD for founding this great guild and sticking it out through the tough times to keep the guild going.

UO has brought me a great deal of pleasure over the years. It doesn't matter how bad my day has been, I can come home, log in and get in vent, chat with my friends and just have fun for a while.

All in all, if I had it to do over again, I would have joined PAS a lot sooner.


You people keep me sane some days. 8)
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Postby Rex » Sun Dec 24, 2006 7:33 pm

PAS kept me playing UO. I met Queen Mum in Jul on and she introduced me to KD.

If I had not met KD and joined PAS, I would not have stayed in UO, I would have left long ago.

I have days when I don't want to deal with anything or anyone and I come to the nightly event and have a great time with my friends.

You guys really are the best thing to happen to UO, I love this guild and everyone in it...even Kyra (hehe).

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Postby Karn » Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:16 pm

I used to play computer games. I began to play UO many many years ago. It's not a game anymore, it's a place to be myself, no money, color, or locations where we live matters.

We have something in common, and thats UO. We'd have never met if it wasn't for this 'game'. Many of you I consider very close best friends, some aqaintences, some I tolerate as family in PAS.

I am just like Karn in in RL. But I am a mage. I might carry a staff of whoop-ass, or Tanis can kill monsters with a flick of the wrist. I'm still Dave in RL, with the same upbringing, and ways. I still have the same gripes in UO as I do in RL I still thnk the same way, but express it in a pixel world.

I love what UO and PAS and all of Sonoma has given me. Another place to socialize, to be myself, to be friends with others with like interests, however you express that in UO.

Thanks to GOD or (insert your fav diety here) whoever for giving me the fingers to play, job to afford UO, Carol for being a best wife, allowing me to play UO. And to my son, for being a young responsible man like I never was.

Thanks to KD for being an amazing person and keeping us happy. KD, if it wasn't for you PAS would of come and gone 5 times in all these years. I can't imagine what it would be like to work in your department, your personality must make people do the best they can for you, and not for the job. Your a powerful person whoever you touch, in UO, or RL.

I thank the human race for showing kindness, love for their fellow person, and showing how we can all be equal. UO and PAS shows where we are headed, hopefully in the next milennia and beyond.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all! Our internet experiance is the bridge between physical interaction and the next human stage in evolution. Make your experiance one to be proud of as a human on this tiny speck in time and space.
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Postby Brianna » Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:42 pm

i have to agree with each person who has posted before me and 99.79% of the people who will post after me....

thank you each and every single one of you real not computer scripted voices/pixels that have touched my life....without you guys to hold me steady i dont think i would have survived all the ups and downs my life has taken.

rune and sara and simkin thank you for standing by me and showing me that real friends like you no matter who your with or what you say in guys will always be my hommies

maso you are more important to me than you will ever know...i dont know what i would have done if you werent there to help me thru all my real life drama....even when you shouldnt have been worrying about me you did and still do if i can ever repay you i will gladly step up and take on the ya

like karn said i am the same in real life as i am ingame...i speak first and then think about how my words will be guys have taught me that sometimes it is better to wait and weigh my words before i type them..thank you kyra for being there to tell me to stop and sleep on it before i type it

Jr you and kelly are such sweet people you have blessed my life in more ways than i can ever tell....kelly thank you for sharing ryan with me i am grateful for the fact that you are secure enough with your guys marriage that i can call whenever i need to and you dont flip out...thank you once again

rex for all the times you have killed us you teach me that a death robe is not such a bad thing to wear...if i would quit rezzing i wouldnt lose so much money

wildflower, haplo, and blu you guys are awesome you make this game more than a game anytime i want to talk you guys are there thanks

allan/fitz you accepted me for who i am not who i was with or how good of a player i am you have taught me alot about myself and uo thank you

sickshine you have taught me that though red=dead that not all reds are to be ran from without you guys i wouldnt be the fel freak i have turned into

merlin though i know i will have to pester you to read this i have learned to respect you and even appreciate your insight into life....i have grown up alot in the last go from having you on mute for months on end to actually looking forward to our early morning or late night conversations is a good feeling

tiger....dearest tiger....all i got to say is if you behave for just a few more days maybe santa will hobble into your house and give you a christmas ya

ghost thank you for trusting me to not crash the website more than maybe once a month....your the best... and i miss you come back soon from where ever you are hiding

to all the rest of you guys and you know who you are my family i love you guys and yes i know this is just a game to some but for me this is my life i come here to do my crying, my laughing, my guys make my life livable you make me want to wake up each day and log in just to see who is "home"

i hope we have many many more happy moments in life but i know that no matter how bad real life can get i have each of you guys to continue looking forward to seeing each and everyday

thank you so much

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Postby Karn » Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:12 pm

With these warm fuzzy times, waiting for the 0.31% person to post. Should be good......
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Postby Dralagon » Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:39 am

I know I am one of the newer kittens in PAS, but in the short amount of time I have been in this guild I have learned alot from everyone in PAS. I enjoy going on the events nightly, and when I see a fellow guildmate in trouble I sacrafice my own life to save that person without question. I asked myself why I do this, and my answer was because they are your family now. Thanks all of you guys for being so darn cool!!! :D I know I am really quiet in game and don't socialize much, but I tend to let my actions speak louder then words anyhow. Just wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!!!
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:04 pm

Well folks, my account has gone inactive as of today. I managed to give my plot away to a PAS member.

Like Brianna, I must say that I agree with everyone that has posted before me. This game was a way for me to socialize with people that I had things in common with. You guys ARE my friends. While this is a game, it was much more than that to me. While PAS could be called "just a guild", it was and always will be MUCH more to me.

I want to thank you all for the trust and friendship that you have shown to me. It means alot and I will miss you all very much.

I know that some of you feel that I caused quite a bit of drama and I would like to apologize. That was never my intention.

I will be around on the forums or ICQ from time to time. I may even pop into vent now and then. I wish you all the best and pray you will remember me fondly.

Goodbye for now,
Damien Kilcannon
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