WAKA not too bad

WAKA not too bad

Postby Mirage » Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:31 pm

I just did a spawn with Woodstock from WAKA. He was really cool he didnt kill me after. he didnt call in friends he was really cool. said he use to be in pas a long time ago. he let me have a 115 chiv and a 115 resist.
Props to the kind of ppl on sonoma. WOOOOT
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Postby utgo » Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:55 pm

I have to agree that all waka are not all that bad. i was a swoops for about an hour with 3 waka, and they let me go inbetween everyone of them so i got 3 turns to their one.

It is important not to judge a guild based off of the acts of a few. you have to realize that even though they raid alot of CS and other things, that doesnt make them a bad guild. PAE will start raiding soon if they havnt already. i mean people in all guilds are gonna be alright. but every once in a while u find a lamer. although there are some guilds out there that only seem to have lamers ie: ZOG

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Postby Lara » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:53 pm

I havent had any positive experiences with WAKA, I find them arrogant and cruel. Plenty of people I know have lost suits to them. The tag you carry is a reflection on you as well in my opinion. I will not help or hang with any WAKA. Im just happy to see them taken down a bunch of notches since thier alliance broke up voluntary or not. They used to run Fel but they have to contend with FOO/TEK, who seem to dominate at the moment. Must pain them to lose harrys time after time! :D
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Postby Valcor » Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:17 am

I have always had respect for them because they are strict about their members not using any hacks or other cheats like like EUO or speedhacking or whatever. To be that good takes a lot of skill and time........they just must spend a lot of time at the computer lol
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Postby Lara » Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:50 am

Skill is all well and good but the ammount of trash spewed forth from their mouths when that skill is used against you matters more to me. I certainly havent seen any of them act any other way. Until they change thier attitude each and every one of them is my enemy and I wont aid them (except in a gank situation, like a blue WAKA attacking a red MOO, thats just getting a kill. If he was red id start in on him once the other was dead). I dont start making friends in enemy guilds, they need to see the ground up close instead. In some cases I might even treat them like dirt by rezkilling them over and over (non-PAS char) and simply go on my merry way if I killed one on a PAS char since I definately dont want to sink down to thier level while flying a PAS tag.

Im very forgiving and if they want a non agression pact I will welcome it but be on my guard. They dont respect our guild so therefore I refuse to respect theirs. Read their comments on stratics sometime to find out what they think about PAS. It aint pretty.
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Postby Woodstock » Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:27 am

Thanks Mirage, I appreciate the post. And its true, we arent all bad! I just came back to UO after a 2-3 year break. It just so happens my only friends that are left are in Waka (Cyrus Bain, Trinity). I was in PAS before I left as ApocalypseNow But anyways. If I see you guys on the battlefield no hard feelings. I play this game for fun and thats all I try and do. Take care all!

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Postby WiLdMaN » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:39 am

Only problem I've ever had with Waka was being ganked in fair duels (against Waka members). I used to be pretty good and I think it upset them when I won or just didn't die to some of them.

I don't really hold it against them, as it's just a game, I just refuse to duel anymore Waka's. Especially around other Waka's. =o

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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:03 am

hey Woodstock, good to see you post here!

Yeah Ive seen u ingame a lot lately (in fel of course).

As for waka, Ive had a lot of experiences with foul mouthed waka ingame, which tends to make me think like Lara does about them. But that being said, theres ALWAYS some decent folk in every guild, except zogs of course *grins*.

I have friends in pretty much every fel guild, some go way back and many were PAS at one point. And like Woodstock says, when I see them I smile, but I usually end up fighting against them, and thats never anything personal, its just the game. In fact, 5 of them have stepped up lately to give me advice on my suit and tactics etc .... they like the fact that PAS is more visible in fel now and not afraid to fight.

So be careful when labelling an entire guild anything ... u usually will be wrong with at least a handful of their members. But as Ive always said too, when u wear a guilds tag above your head, you take with it all the bad stuff and all the good stuff that the guild represents.

Guilds are normally judged by their weakest members, unfortunately. People dont take the time to get to know the other members, they assume all the other members act the way the one they saw did ingame.

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Postby Woodstock » Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:06 pm

Heh my behavior is by no means a reflection of the rest of Waka's feelings, like I said, they just happen to be the last of my old crew. I hold waka in high respect because it is pretty much us vs the shard. with K4H and Tek only recently not allied the tables are starting to turn a little bit. I hold PAS in high respect because as a guild that does not exactly hold a market on experienced PVPers, yall still make fel your home, Fel is my home, it has always been my home, I have never had a house in tram. Those that live in fel are my brethren. PAS keeps tradition alive, and in this old timers view, that is something worth fighting for!
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Postby Lara » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:25 pm

Would that cyrus be the cyrus from stratics who said this comment, talking about a harry PAS pulled?

"Oh damn, what a fight!

Was that seriously 8 Waka and 1 3F against every PvP guild on Sonoma + PASucks? "

http://boards.stratics.com/php-bin/uo/s ... ost7077455

It was that cyrus that first coined the term "PASucks" which ol' Tal Qual aka Crusix got into hot water here for repeating in the reply in that thread that was edited later to take that comment out. Since he got booted I guess he shares cyrus's views of PAS.
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Postby Tracy » Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:07 am

*moved from MoFo thread in general discussion to here, which is where I meant to post it to begin with*

I learned a few things from reading that 74 page thread in stratics tonight:

1. Nobody except whoever is typing can pvp
2. Everybody is the best.
3. Nobody knows how to duel
4. Nobody knows how to be a mage
5. Everyone is a trammie
6. Nobody dies. Ever.
7. Unless they were ganked by gimps using hacks.
8. Nobody uses hacks.
9. Everyone can kill everyone 1v1.
10. Sonoma is the weakest PvP shard on the west coast.
11. Sonoma is the best PvP shard on the west coast.
12. All the best mages on Sonoma have moved to Baja.
13. All the best mages in UO are on Sonoma, and in FO_O
14. All PvPers on Sonoma ALWAYS earn more insurance gold than they lose.
15. I pWnZrD U NoOb An JoO SuXxOrS!

Did I miss anything?

And people wonder why I don't read Stratics much...

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Postby Lara » Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:32 am

Not too many PAS post on stratics in that pvp thread, it seems. But it is a good example of the mindset of the other guilds. Like I said, Ego, Trash talk, Ego.
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Postby Lara » Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:21 pm

Hah. Think they so bad now they brought 19 some doods from Baja and zerg your spawn with 20 guys? :x
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Postby Lara » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:55 am

A post in a different forum led me to the TBA (WAKA ally and pretty much
the same guild) website, and it has a lot of the WAKA regulars on stratics
with the same sigs and if you dont want to be offended, dont go there.
They seem to have some affinity for the N word. Even if there is a WAKA
that doesnt believe in that kind of talk, they are guilty by association.
KD would never put up with that kind of thing in any ally or guildmate and
the fact that it goes on in that camp taints them all with mucculent.
The corruption is spread all through them like a blight.
That whole alliance is a scourge on sonoma that threatens it with
thier brand of putrefaction.
As far as I am concerned, they can all kiss my Paraxomus!
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Postby Mirage » Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:05 pm

Sry I should have said I had a good time doing a CS with woodstock. HEHE
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