Successful Super Bowl Party (and Queen Mum celebration!)

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Successful Super Bowl Party (and Queen Mum celebration!)

Postby Maldar » Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:12 am

Thank you to all involved in pulling off a great Super Bowl party! Everyone had a blast..............especially me, since I drank everyone's pitcher of ale that was within my reach. :oops:
The prizes were incredible! There were, quite literally, tens of millions-worth of prizes out there. I was amazed. I didn't expect that.

And Queen Mum.................WOOHOO! :wav: :wav:
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Postby Ciara » Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:58 am

Maldar has said it all quite perfectly. It was a great superbowl party! Earlier today I heard many folks telling me about the superbowl party they were going to later in the day, and I thought to myself, I've never done that. Now I have! Thanks for a SUPER SuperBowl Party. The deco was awesome, the prizes stupendous, and the company was the best I could wish for. :hello1:
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Postby Darkstar » Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:20 am

I agree with the comments above. I had a wonderful time. Thank you :)
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Postby LoL/Myst » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:36 am

I'll chime in with agreement as well. I had a few friends over for a SB party so i loaded UO on the ol laptop to be able to participate in both. The crew had some good laughs on the trivia questions as we realized the most informed pro football person present was my wife....

Also grats to Maldar on the encyclopedic knowledge of Pro football history. =)
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Postby Warden » Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:51 pm

Agreed--very well done. I had never been to a UO Super Bowl party before and thought it kind of an odd idea. But it couldn't have gone better (well, unless the team I picked had won... :lol: ) Congrats and thanks to all those involved with making this happen!
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