For anyone interested in joining PAS

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For anyone interested in joining PAS

Postby KDSonoma » Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:39 pm

We ask new recruits to join our PAR stone (recruit stone), then we invite them to come to PAS events for 2 real life weeks, and that earns them a promotion into PAS.

We let each player have one ranked char, the others are blank titles. The ranked char should be the one u will play the most in PAS, because that char is eligible for promotions each month.

We have an Elders meeting at the end of every other month (odd months) to vote on promotions for PAS.

Once you get to PAS, we allow as many alts into PAS as u may want.

We don't friend anyone to any PAS houses, except hq1 in fel for security when we do events like farming ingots and boards there (so the crafters can run inside if we get raided, and let our pvpers handle the reds).

We do provide help for any of our members, and free 110 PS as long as they are available (we usually have all but magery available). We provide free resources (ingots, boards, leather etc) to PAS crafters to help them get to gm skill.

We do every sort of event that can be done in UO, pvm, pvp, everything. Check the calendar to see what we did the last few months and whats planned for the month coming up.

We allow PAS members to have alts in any guild except zogs. We ask PAS members on fel non PAS chars to not be in the PAS ventrilo when they play on those chars in fel, to protect them from being criticized for "spying" on PAS.

We do not have any problem with PAS members on non PAS alts attacking PAS chars in fel (thats what fel is about, pvp).

The only rule we do have goes back 11 yrs, and was adopted by the Sonoma Alliance. All 23 guilds signed off at the time on this rule, and we still enforce this on PAS members to this day.

PAS members can do anything in fel except intentionally, repeatedly target for grief any PAS or SA char or guild.

We had to enforce this with one goober in 11 yrs that ran into a problem with a PAS member and tried to camp their fel house with non PAS to kill them repeatedly. Oh and btw the goober never killed the PAS member once, but they refused to stop trying, so I had to boot them.

We have fun ingame, and remember PAS are the good guys. We never ever grief others ingame. We do allow red chars on the PAS stone, as red chars are not necessarily griefers. The color of the char isn't important, its their actions and words that are.

The only blue chars ingame that we encourage our members to kill are zogs. That guild is pretty much destroyed now, but if we see any, word spreads fast and they are dispatched quickly. We do this on behalf of hundreds of former UO players that were griefed, scammed, etc by zogs over the years.

Basically zogs are a very small guild of immature children that enjoy trying to ruin others gameplay. For example, they get a thrill out of sitting at Luna bank trying to guild everyone, hoping that someone will accept so they can guild kill them and take their uninsured items. yeah I know that says a lot about them eh?

We focus on having fun and on helping others have fun.

We do shard events from time to time to let others do things that they might not normally be able to do. For example, we have gauntlet nights where we take folks across to gauntlet to get them chances to get artifacts there. PAS provides the gold skulls, the firepower to help kill things if they need it, and players to res, heal, cure the others that come along to help them enjoy that event.

We run a ventrilo server 24/7, and we have folks on vent pretty much 24/7 as well. Event time is 8pm cdt and we always meet at Nujelm bank fel to start all events, unless something unique is posted on the calendar.

If any of the above sounds interesting, come check us out. We allow people to tag along on events even if they dont want to commit to the PAR stone. So check the calendar, find an event that sounds interesting, then come join us for fun ingame.

Contact the current PAS Guildmaster, Chalnoth Tholl, at icq 295300, with any questions about the guild or joining PAS.

Cya ingame and enjoy Sonoma!
King of Sonoma
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:01 am


King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
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Postby KDSonoma » Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:26 pm


King of Sonoma
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