Pinco's UI update ...

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Pinco's UI update ...

Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:58 pm

Jewelry box search !!!!

Healthbars System Part 3 AND Animal Lore Rework!

Posted Today, 17:50 CET


With this patch there are few more improvements to the healthbars system, many bug fixes and the Animal Lore gump has been totally reworked.
In additon to all that, there are few bonus features (like the search box for the jewelry box).

Here it is the list of the new features:

If a target cursor appears while you have the cursor over an healthbar, the bar will shrink immediately. When the cursor disappears, the bar will enlarge (if you have the cursor over it obviously).
Since some people don't use the healthbars buttons, I've added the option to disable them. By doing that the healthbars won't expand anymore.
Since some people don't like the expanding healthbars, I've added the option to have small buttons on the bottom of every bars. The buttons are: red, green and blue (default 3) + yellow (for skills) and purple (for items).
Now moving a dockspot by keeping the ALT button pressed, allows you to move it without snapping. The same will happen for the target window.
The boss bar is once again functional. If it doesn't open for any boss, report the body ID and hue ID of the boss so I can fix the problem (to do that use the new item properties or the actions to get items type/hue ID).
The mount list now recognize which pet is a mount and which isn't. The option to mark them as "Not A Mount" remains, in case you never want to mount a specific pet (but be careful, once marked as not a mount is gone from the list for good...).
The scale/alpha mode now resets the scale/alpha to default if you press CONTROL while scrolling with the mouse wheel.
Now if you CONTROL + CLICK a chat line, the text will be copied to the system clipboard (so you can paste it with CONTROL + V anywhere you want).
The container search now searches for items that matches ALL the patterns you enter.
Added the search button to the EJ bank box and auctioned vaults:
The search uses the container search tool for the job.
The item's icons you'll see DO NOT correspond to the ones inside the gump, they just show you the item type (if the type can be guessed).
Added the search box to the Jewelry box:
It works exactly like the container search: each word you search will be added to the search pattern.
The jewels found will be highlighted, and the filter is automatically applied when you turn the page.
The filter won't reset by closing the jewelry box, you'll have to do it manually by pressing the X or the search pattern will remain until you logout.
Animal Lore rework: the new animal lore window is a bit smaller than the previous one (unfortunately it can't be smaller than this due to the amount of data to show), and uses icons and tooltips to get more space. It also provide more data than the old version.
The Animal Lore window now automatically detects the pet type (except boura and hiryu that can be confused with other versions of the same animal).
The Animal Lore window now shows the pet color, and moving the mouse over the color shows all the possible colors and the spawn chances.
The pet training buttons now are easier to spot, and near the training button there are 2 icons that will provide the weights and weights cap for the training stats.
The Animal Lore context menu is gone, the settings are now just 2 and you can see them in User Settings -> Options. The only settings available are the ones for the highlight range of the stats (very bad and bad).
The log files for the animals is no longer generated automatically, instead you'll have to press the save button when you need to save the animal log. Also, the log is now inside the "AnimalLore" sub-folder of the game's logs folder.
The animal rating is no longer available for tamed animals, only for wild ones. The rating is also saved in the log (if you decide to save it).
The pet special moves are now visible in a table under the normal data, and the pet's "native" abilities are highlighted in light blue.
The pet advancements are now visible in a table under the special moves.
The skill cap of the pet advancements is automatically shown as skillcap.
The pet training confirmation messages have been converted into an EC dialog, so the buttons will never get bugged again.
NOTE: DO NOT log-out/reload the UI while the animal lore gump is open or the client will crash. This happens for unknown reasons and there seems to be no way around it...
Creatures DB rework: now the creatures DB has been fully converted into a CSV files, this will improve the performance a bit, and makes future creatures data update a LOT faster.
NOTE: since now the creatures DB works in a different way, there might be creatures with missing data and not getting recognized. So if you see any creature that don't shows the resistances as property, or a boss not getting the boss bar, or a pet not recognized in the animal lore window, just let me know the following data: CREATURE NAME, BODY ID and COLOR ID. Thanks
Now if the option "Always shows Health, Mana and Stamina" is active with the overhead status, the overhead status won't fade away anymore.
The dynamic status window has been removed.
The status window (classic, advanced and diablo 2 styles), will move without snapping if you drag normally. The snapping will be enabled if you drag while prssing CONTROL.

As usual if you have any feedback or bug report, let me know, and don't forget to donate if you like this project!
The current monthly maintenance cost is 20$/month and at the moment the project is funded for less than a couple more months, after that it will be over (unless someone donate to support it for some more months).


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Re: Pinco's UI update ...

Postby xare » Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:17 pm

Broken tamer stables!
"I had it all! I had it all and then I lost it. Lost... all gone... like... my mind. My mind is like... cheese. I like cheese."

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Re: Pinco's UI update ...

Postby xare » Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:50 pm

ok, that's fixed.

Here's a pic of the new animal lore gump

"I had it all! I had it all and then I lost it. Lost... all gone... like... my mind. My mind is like... cheese. I like cheese."

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Re: Pinco's UI update ...

Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jul 27, 2018 10:20 pm

for those that weren't at tonight's event, Xare was able to post to a forum for Pinco with bugs that were fixed withing 41 minutes one time, then 10 minutes on the next fix.

Way to go, Xare and Pinco!

Nice to have that kind of responsiveness on something for UO.


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