Recent unpleasantness :(

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Recent unpleasantness :(

Postby PrinceCaspian » Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:34 am

So last night I'm farming Tomarties, with no luck whatsoever (it took me like 2 hours for ONE tomartie, even though I was constantly killing things) and I get an ICQ from Reznor, aka Morgan Bloodwine of III. He starts asking "what is up with that #@$^ing guild of yours PC?!" And I'm like, "What?" Then he says that he was farming kappas in the Crane Marsh, and then some PAS named Slymenstra (never heard of him btw) appeared and started attacking with EVs without permission, even though he was there first.

I was like, "Well, I'm pretty sure that person isn't in PAS. At least, I never saw him (and a new recruit would be PAR anyway)." Then he is like, "Then he started talking smack when I told him to stop and told me to F.O."

For the record, I know Rez from my time with Blackmoor, although I didn't know him very well. So I was like, "I'll tell KD about it. I'm sorry. But dude, just move on, there's LOTS of places to farm in Tokuno."

I ask on guild chat, with a gentle reminder to be courteous, and then Brianna says that her husband was verbally abused by some person (coincidentally enough) named Morgan. But this was Morgan Le Fay, and not the PAS MLF. Otherwise, nobody even HEARD of this Slymenstra person.

So I tell this to Rez, that it must be someone else. Then he started to say that PAS has this attitude that we run Sonoma and that we do this crap all the time. Now, mind you, I wasn't in the best mood in the first damn place because I wasn't getting Tomarties. So I guess, ill-advised, I just said "DUDE, get OVER IT! It's a DAMN GAME, and people are going to be jerks from time to time. Just move somewhere else!"

Oh boy, then Harry Potter and some other clown confront me in Zento and say that they are going to declare on PAS. More fist waving and BS over nothing.

To make a long story short, I offered a tomartie (a set of Zenshin's swords, no less) to shut him up. Evidentally, that was enough. I hope, at least. I apologize if I ended up starting a war. But if III declares on us, it's probably my fault.

Folks are so damn touchy lately.
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Postby Zoelle » Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:52 am

Few things that I want to mention after reading your post...

"appeared and started attacking with EVs without permission, even though he was there first"
No one owns a spawn. Sure its nice to think that everyone will play nice and will allow the first person at a spawn location to continue to work it. But instanced corspes were put into the game to deal with "kill stealers". This difference of playstyles usually comes up with the swoop spawn but its reared its ugly head with the treasures too.

"Then he started talking smack when I told him to stop and told me to F.O."
Assuming this is how it happened and there was nothing that your friend did that lead up to the hostility...then by all means this needs to be brought to KD's attention. And a specific name would help a lot in letting him know who to keep an eye on. Even if its not a thing that would cause someone to be kicked from the guild (everyone has a bad day here and there), it CAN be a tell-tale sign of problems to come in the future.

"But if III declares on us, it's probably my fault"
We would have to accept the war for it to go anywhere...don't let it get to you.

Oh and the fourth...not a quote, but damn....I can't wait for treasures of tokuno to be done with. I've not even go out hunting any in the last week cause of all the heartache it can cause. Limited time frame, limited world, limited spawn locations...leads to a bunch of people all trying to hunt the same thing and then tempers end up flaring. Eventually the ToT will be done with and hopefully things will go back to normal.
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Postby Shino » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:19 am

um there is no Morgan Bloodwine or anything close to it in (III) so i dont forsee any wars in the future
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Postby PrinceCaspian » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:28 am

Shino wrote:um there is no Morgan Bloodwine or anything close to it in (III) so i dont forsee any wars in the future

His main is Reznor not Morgan.

At least when I was in BM, who knows if he even is in III anymore.

Are you in III? Can you tell me if there's any raw feeling right now? If not then we can consider it a dead issue, thank god.
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:25 pm

lemme clarify the PAS-III situation for ya, and our relationship with any other guild outside of our brother/sister guilds that are already allied on our stone with us (THB, KVP, KMG).

If a gm of a guild talks to me and says one of their guys relayed that above information to him/her, and he/she feels thats a big enough issue to call me on the carpet about, Ill talk to them, get the facts, give the PAS a good lecture on playing nice with others, or whatever was needed. But one PAS being ornery or playing that way ingame once certainly doesnt label a guild that way.

If they persisted on saying otherwise, judging PAS by one members actions, I would just inform them about how prejudiced they were (pre-judging others based on info u have BEFORE u see them ingame, etc is considered prejudice), and let them know that I certainly didnt label their entire guild based on one persons actions ingame.

Then thats all I can control, and using the Mickey River theory, Im done worrying about things.

So no worries from my perspective ... if we get a bad egg, they get weeded out over time, their words or actions typically get them booted quickly with us, since our expectations are very high for all our members.

Quick note: Mickey Rivers was a pro baseball player, his theory was: Why worry about things u cant control, cause u cant control them, and why worry about things u can control, cause u can control them. And after that, theres nothing left to worry about. *smiles*

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Postby Valkyrie » Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:43 pm

Don't sweat it Casp.

Even IF a PAS person HAD camped a Tokuno spawn someone else was at, honestly, could ya blame them right now? There are people who camp any given spawn for hours on end (including myself) and only so many spawns to go around. That's poor thinking on the part of the dev team.

And even if the event went on for three months, the campers (like myself...) would camp the spawns for 3 months, it wouldn't get any better.

I was angry with a MoFo for doing the same thing, invading "my" camp. And quickly figured out that MY head was in the wrong spot on that. I'd like to get the minor artis. LOTS of them. (Besides dyes, sigh.) But if I don't get them, my UO world isn't going to end. LOL

So the entire shard, MOST PAS included, will camp for hours and days and weeks til it's over. Hell, my poor vendors think I hate them because all I've done recently is camp for Tokuno artis!!!

But spawns cannot be "owned" by any one individual or group. So, yea, if a PAS said F... Off to another player, KD'd probably give em a wet noodle and a lecture... but don't let that day bother ya my friend. Today's a new day with more dyes ... erhmm ... I mean artis ... to drop. =)

Go get 'em!!!
Last edited by Valkyrie on Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tracy » Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:49 pm

So at least part of that story was falsified to some extent, at a minimum.

Tokuno runs on a Tram-based ruleset.

III is not allied with PAR, PAS, PAE or IAS (the four active stones).

If it was indeed a PAS character, they couldn't have physically been able to attack an EV (energy vortex, a summon, a follower, considered in a Tram ruleset by the game to be a temporary pet) that belonged to someone they weren't guilded with or allied to.

So at least that part of the story holds no water.

And if this "Slymenstra" character isn't on the PAS roster, then it's likely that the entire story was falsified, and I'd be tempted to just chalk it up to someone having hard feelings that PAS were always "in the way", no matter where he went, and he used a story to create a feeling of ill will towards PAS in general.

The list of names used when the Incognito spell is cast is a static list, and doesn't grow. I've never seen Slymenstra come up before for either a male or female when casting that spell, and that's one I would remember due to it being out of the ordinary. So it wasn't someone just casting incognito either.

I love a good story, especially when it's chalk full of holes that I can point out.
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Postby PrinceCaspian » Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:47 pm

Malachai wrote:So at least part of that story was falsified to some extent, at a minimum.

Tokuno runs on a Tram-based ruleset.

III is not allied with PAR, PAS, PAE or IAS (the four active stones).

If it was indeed a PAS character, they couldn't have physically been able to attack an EV (energy vortex, a summon, a follower, considered in a Tram ruleset by the game to be a temporary pet) that belonged to someone they weren't guilded with or allied to.

Actually, Mal -- Rez never said the Energy Vortexes attacked him. What he was fuming about was that these Energy Vortexes were hogging the kills.

Sorry, should have made that clearer. There was never an accusation of an attack.
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Re: Recent unpleasantness :(

Postby Rex » Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:02 pm

PrinceCaspian wrote:So last night I'm farming Tomarties, with no luck whatsoever (it took me like 2 hours for ONE tomartie, even though I was constantly killing things)

Dang man you're having some poo luck with tomarties aren't you? :x
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Re: Recent unpleasantness :(

Postby Tracy » Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:08 pm

PrinceCaspian wrote:he was farming kappas in the Crane Marsh, and then some PAS named Slymenstra (never heard of him btw) appeared and started attacking with EVs without permission

You said it, not me.

But anyway if we don't have a Sylmenstra, then it's not a PAS, because like I said that isn't a name that comes up when you use the incognito spell.
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Postby Valkyrie » Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:56 pm

I think he meant attacking the spawn with EVs.

Anyhow this Tokuno thing will be over soon thank goodness!
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Postby Shino » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:10 pm

Are you in III? Can you tell me if there's any raw feeling right now? If not then we can consider it a dead issue, thank god.

ya im still in (III) as an emissary and ill say this, its a mostly dead guild nowadays
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Postby PrinceCaspian » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:33 pm

Well, looks like it was all a bunch of fuss over nothing. Evidentally, there's no big war council brewing. Just more dumb selfish jerks after tomarties.

Today I was in the wastes and I saw these four guys all yelling and cussing at each other over who owns the Orc Spawn in The Wastes. A true sign of the times in UO.

Everyone wants a complete swords set, a complete urn set, and all the new tokuno dyes.

Well, nuts to that. I'm just gonna finish my major tomarties collection and retire from this hunt. It's really bringing out the worst in everyone.
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Postby Valkyrie » Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:12 am

It's not the times in UO Casp. This type of thing happens in EVERY game and it's nothing new. When rewards for limited time events are available, they are effectively rares, if not now, then later.

People camp for the Hot New Stuff so they can rake in the profits and there's never enough spawn to go around when everyone wants to kill the same critters to get the items. So people fight about it. Nothing new at all, nor is it specific to UO.

And once again, I'll sure be glad when it's over. :)
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