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How can I add TOL to my accounts?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:00 am
by Kiera
First off, I've been gone a year, mostly health related reasons, but I returned a couple weeks ago and sooo much has changed!

Ok, last night I saw that EA/Origin had 30% off for TOL and I purchased for my two accounts. So far so good. Email says to log into EA/Mythic, select account from drop down list (at top), Activate the key by entering the Code in the "correct" box (and the Security Code too) and voila you're enjoying the new expansion! NOT SO FAST! I don't know if I'm misreading the image of the Security Code or what but I can't get either Game Code (and security code) to work for either account! I keep getting "This code cannot be applied to any of your current game accounts". I only have UO accounts with EA/Mythic. I remember when this account management was new, it ticked off a lot of us back then too! It's always something simple... so simple that one misses it, right?! So I'm wondering what this supposedly simple detail is so I can enjoy the Codes. And yes, I highlighted the Codes from the emails and pasted them into EA's Activate Key page! Wasn't about to type in that really long code by ancient eye sight!

Any help is appreciated!


Tamer, Spellweaver (back to requesting Focuses!), and Legendary Chicken... :D

Re: How can I add TOL to my accounts?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:22 am
by Lord Drakelord

Re: How can I add TOL to my accounts?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:30 am
by Lord Drakelord ... anagement/

They are have problems I see, might be why you are having problems as well