My question during the M&G on Balhae

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My question during the M&G on Balhae

Postby Lord Drakelord » Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:06 am

Greetings once more Mistress of Darkness and Death, of Light and Glory
There a problem with the Moonglow Zoo not accepting the OLD Drakes or Greater Dragons.
Message one receive when trying to turn them in is “they don't accept those kind of creatures”
Would it be possible, most gracious lady to have your minions take a look at this?
During the Hag quest one of the items requested is Chicken gizzard,
why is it the Greater Chicken does not count toward that requested item?
Is it not the same only greater?
When appraising an item for turn in points why is it the Eodon stealbles have zero value
Scared lava rock=0, Tiger figurine=0, Hatching net=0, Glyph=0, Dino hide=0, waku=0
Since they are shard bound and cannot be transfer off the shard
will there be a day they will be worth points?
As before, we are indebted to you and your people, as always we thank you.

Ancient One (Balhae)
08:31:11 07/31/17

Ancient One: Greetings once more Mistress of Darkness and Death, of Light and Glory
Mesanna: Greetings
Ancient One: There a problem with the Moonglow Zoo not accepting the OLD Drakes or Greater Dragons.
Ancient One: Message one receive when trying to turn them in is they don't accept those kind of creatures
Ancient One: Would it be possible, most gracious lady to have your minions take a look at this?
Mesanna: of course
Ancient One: During the Hag quest one of the items requested is Chicken gizzard,
Kyronix : Minions?!
Mesanna: that is a bug
Ancient One: why is it the Greater Chicken does not count toward that requested item?
Ancient One: Is it not the same only greater?
Mesanna: when we redo the zoo we will need to update the accepted creatures
Ancient One: *nods*
Mesanna: this system has not been touched in a very very long time
Mesanna: and agreed its one that needs some love
Ancient One: aye we do understand
Ancient One: and yes minions are you not for this lady?
Kyronix : I'll also have you know, that we are not minions!
Mesanna: that and the decay rate has always been to high
Kyronix : We are worker bees.
Ancient One: hehe
Kyronix : *grins*
Mesanna: no honey for you bee
Ancient One: then she is the queen
Mesanna: I like you, and great name
Ancient One: and the chicken for the hag?
Ancient One: thank you

Ancient One: last one for you today
Ancient One: When appraising an item for turn in points why is it the Eodon stealbles have zero value
Ancient One: Scared lava rock=0, Tiger figurine=0, Hatching net=0, Glyph=0, Dino hide=0, waku=0
Ancient One: Since they are shard bound and cannot be transfer off the shard
Ancient One: will there be a day they will be worth points?
Mesanna: probably because it just was not updated
Mesanna: let Kyronix answer that
Ancient One: again thank you
Ancient One: As before, we are indebted to you and your people, as always we thank you.
You see: stone stairs
You see: stone pavers
Kyronix : Sure, when we update the turn in systems in the future
Ancient One: thank you
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