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Postby AlmondJoy » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:28 am

.....Later that night in a room without light......


She lay there,
silver's taste still on her lips,
her scent, (forever that of the earth and the sea, marred faintly by the smell of blood), lingered,
She knew in her heart there was nothing she would not do for the woman she knew as silvermane.
She knew that woman felt the same about her.

There was magic in silver,
It flowed freely through her,
lighting her hair the color of lightly polished silver,
her skin the color of the waxing moon

She ran her hands over silvers back, careful of the one or two lashes that were still healing
Trogar had been particularly vicious to her this time
her magic both intrigued him and angered him
he sought to unlock its secrets, test its power

But part of silvers magic was that she could wall her essence against pain
retreat to her core till the bodies torture was ended
slowly flow back out... repairing the body before fully re entering it.
part of silvers magic was life itself

She snuggled against silver, her mind at peace
tonight was truely AJ's birthday
they had perhaps three days till the deception would be obvious
Three days for AJ to find if she would be blessed with magic as well.

Then they would leave this place
find a new one where they could live as a family
where there would be no terror
only comfort and love

She fell to sleep dreaming that this was so
So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, trust in who we are. And nothing else matters
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Postby AlmondJoy » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:29 am

.A light goes on..

AJ had no clue what had actually happened, but she knew that grey shimmer before her was the shadow of a dead dog
A dead dog that had chosen loyalty to her only moments before it's death

She had known he was starving, had saved her meat from lunch to give him.
But he had been weaker than she knew. She felt his death through the mental link, knew it was not sleep she was wishing him to.
Knew of no other choice.

She found his body later, cut snips of his fur to place in a pouch hung from a leather cord around her neck
Then buried what remained, willing it to return to the planet
But this time, as she recited the rituals silver had taught her, it just felt right. It had meaning.

She couldnt touch Dark Runt physically, but she could feel that he was there,
felt his essence run playfully through her as they communicated, knew it was he who took her to the things she saw when she dreamed.

to be continued
So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, trust in who we are. And nothing else matters
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Postby AlmondJoy » Fri May 22, 2009 9:29 am

King David.......

He had read the journal twice now.
This Gregory, claimed to have been an apprentice at his fathers smith. Claimed to have been a friend.
But he could not make a memory present itself.
Quite the opposite, the more he thought about it, the more absent it became.

But the man told stories. Stories that tickled the truth.
Stories that could only have been known by one who was there.
Though the telling was distorted from the memories he could conjure.

There was a common link. A girl who had worked in the kitchen.
Now a woman she lived as a hermit in the woods near Yew.
Not quite sane since her husband met his end.
Somehow immune to the rot that killed so many.

He would have to seek her out personally. Someone she did not know might spook her.
He needed her calm and sane as possible.
He knew Duff would send someone discreet to guard his back.

Decision made he packed and met with his Royal Guard before he left.
Ten minutes after he left, McDuff himself rode out to track him.
So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, trust in who we are. And nothing else matters
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