Hunting Deceit

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Hunting Deceit

Postby kaylor » Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:52 pm

**The following is a short 'In Character' role play post from Kay's point of view related to last night's PAS Deceit run. Please feel free to continue this thread - all are welcome. I ask only that what you write be kept 'In Character' as well. C'mon . . . give it a try! :)

I reeled backward, blinking against the surrounding silence that rumbled through the darkness like a storm at the edge of oblivion ready to burst forth with savage frenzy. Deceit. Be it unsuspecting coincidence or considered curse which discovered this night's destination? Whatever truth may have been disclosed in revelation, I was left with naught but question to elusive answer.

This darkness was alive and I among the hunters, braved death's maniacal derision with determined zeal. Creatures of unholy condemnation dared nearer and yet nearer, suffocating in approach much as a toxic midnight fog stealths upon the shoreline fetid and consuming. Anticipation flowed in faint whisper of mortality as I closed fingers over steel, joining those with whom I'd ventured to bring end to vile reign.

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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:38 pm

In the voice of Re'nara Lin'aye:

Ah Deceit, most foul of pits. Many a day and night I have spent delving for what secrets you may hold. This night I adventure forth with frineds tried and true to bring down your ruler, Neira the Necromancer. NEIRA! You cannot stand against the combined might of our magic and the strength of our arms! We will bring you low so that you will haunt these cavrns no more. Summon the corpses of your fallen victims, they will do you no good. Cast your spells as you wish for they will avail you not. Know that the People's Army of Sonoma has come to vanquish you and if it be in our power you will never rise again. Tremble in fear, for we come nigh!
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Postby Troi Jenolan » Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:41 am

*Eyes darting quickly right, then left* Elven clarity coming despite the gloom. Vivid memories flash, still fresh...same fetid smell. "Danan, why am I continually drawn to these vile haunts?" No matter, continue down, ever down in this creeping tomb. Corridors pressing...Stairs...darker...another crumbling stair. The bridge, where Logan slipped, costing him all...fool! *Listens* Hears the bands Leader say " the drop down is just ahead, do not tarry". This group...larger than my liking...too much chatter! *sigh*...thinks "there will be deaths".

But maybe not. Thinking back only two days ago. That young, brash, swordsman...spying me in my careless streak through, what I thought was the deserted city of NuJelm. Calling out "Hey you..Elf..Want to kill something?" *Oh little does he know.* Still in these dangerous days, he brings me to his people. I believe they called him Zireal? A welcoming lot, too trusting...imagine coaxing a stranger on a perilous foray. Do they truely know the evil this stinking rot hole harbors?

Thinking now , as the stench again assails my too keen sence of smell, Is this my good fortune, or their ill fate? Alone my task is a most daunting challenge. But with some hearty fighters success more likely. *Can they be trusted?* The Drop In...*Hears the ghouls howlling* "An adequate test I think." Pushes forward, arrow nocked...
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