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Of Twigs and Such

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:45 pm
by Vin Decatur
It was the twig that did it.

If you hadn't been so tied up with that Dark father, you would have seen.
It was the twig! I swear!


Let me go to the beginning.

I was begotten from hate and betrayal.
I would be revenge, reprisal and a little comeuppance.
They would be vindicated.


There I was, all shiny and new. Ready to take on the world.
One problem.
Mongbats had better skills than I. Not much retaliation with those abilities!
Make that two problems.
No friends in Felluca.
Okay, lots of problems.
I have free will and have some ideas of my own, thank you very much.

I did have a few things in my favor.
I had much of my predecessors knowledge.
I researched his library throughly, It my be closed but is still accessible.
I approached him with my thoughts.
He glared at me, puffing slowly on his pipe.
"Well, search out King David. He will see to it."
"And," he continued, "find Majisbane, Jr. and stick close. You might learn something."
With that, he tossed me some of his old gear and waved me away.
Red and black? Too COP looking. I'll need some blue dye as soon as I can afford it.

So, I searched out the reknown King David and pledged my loyalty.
Hearing my tale, he allowed me to join with those he holds close.
My background is mine and he keeps it so.

Back to the tale...

There I was, all shiny and
Surrounded by mostly strangers.
My new brothers and sisters.
Evil and vile things have invaded Magenica and we are going to try to end this atrocity.
I had progressed in my training so that I was now an Adept Swordsman,
That means that I normally know which end of the sword to poke at bad things with.
Really quite useless in this endeavor, but PAS seems to look over ones inability to be useful.
Getting killed was most certainly in my very near future.
Luckily, Death holds no power in this world.

The gates opened and with a "Go PAS Go!" we all raced through.
Magenica! The once magnificent city lies in ruin.
Boldly, our group races to the invading forces.
I take a tentative stroll around to ascertain what we face.
Oh, it looks bad for an Adept Swordsman.
I spot an Imp. Something I can contend with!
I easily dispatch that vile creature!
I race around the carnage and warfare and smash several of those impish Imps.
I did realize that this really was not making much of a difference.
Time to move up.
I spotted an Arcane Daemon. I tried to make him my Enemy of One.
And failed.
Six times before it finally worked. (Low skills sucketh.)
I charged and he went down.
Too easy.
I charge another!
I smack him good and he heals the damage as another Arcane Daemon decides to test my allergic reaction to poison.
I try to cure my poison and yet another Daemon sends flames racing over my body.
Fleeing in abject fear seems prudent.
Crying like a baby would almost be appropriate.
I run.
Just as I am getting out of sight of my three Daemon pals I see a bunch of PAS race by.
Oh look, they seem to be playing tag with that Dark Father.
He must be 'it'.
Thankfully, he did not tag me!
JUst as 'whew" come to mind, I come to a stop.
A twig.
The three Daemons overtake me and all goes gray.
My, my. The grass looks so nice up close.

I race around like a headless chicken.
Some good soul gives me a lift back to life.
I race back to my body and gather my things.
Luring one of the Arcane Daemons down I show him the closeup view of the dirt.
I sneak back toward my adversaries when a Void Daemon spots me.
Again, running and prudent seem to connect.
Just as I turn and take a couple of steps, I am paused AGAIN by a twig.
Just long enough for the grayness.

I race around looking for a rez but most are busy (understandable).
At the docks I get patched up.
As I race back toward my body, another Void Daemon spots me.
He quickly decides another course for me.
It take me a few minutes to get brought back, again.
Just as I near my body, this time, many people are near playing with a Dark Father.
Several minutes later, I head back to my body again after getting rerezzed.
My journey is cut short by a pair of Daemons and a twig or possibly some rubble.
It doesn't really matter, does it.
Another rez at the docks.
I am notified by a concerned brother that my body has gone to bones.
I race back amidst the fun and he helps me find my decaying corpse.
As all the important things are insured, t'was only my pride that was lost.

To a twig.

I hope you enjoyed my first story. I'll get more up as things happen.

Vin Decatur, Raconteur of PAS

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:15 pm
by Tracy
Well played, old friend.
Let's see where this leads.
I might even get start telling of my own tales...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:52 pm
by Atta Kquast
Fun story. Keep it up!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:31 pm
by Eleanor Rigby
Loved the story, and looking forward to hearing more!


PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:23 am
by Vin Decatur
I have a few things to run past you as I know you have no problem being involved with something that might be foolish, deadly and funny. I also have some questions on building Vin, too. I'll ICQ you tonight if I get time before PAS takes me out to get killed.

Atta Kquast and Eleanor,
Thanks for the compliments. They keep me writing.



PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:42 pm
by KDSonoma
excellent work already, my Raconteur friend!



PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:38 pm
by Big Bertha
I can't write, but I can read. Keep them coming. Thank you for a great storyline.