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Enemy At The Gate

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:01 pm
by Vin Decatur
Considering how many times a night that I die, insurance money is a necessity.
I headed to the Honesty Gate and down to see if the Cyclopian Warriors would make a donation.
Visions of gold piles danced in my head.
As I left the gate area, ignoring the gazers and imps, my pathway was blocked.
Some lazy person had parked a Titan (Paragon) right in the road.
Hey, I agree he looks awfully fine all gold, shiny and what not.
It just isn't polite to leave your things to block the path of others.
Give a hoot, don't pollute!
Now, I just made Master in my swords.
I can take normal Titans and I can deal with the Cyclopian Warrior (Paragon).
I had no idea if I could take a Titan (Paragon).
Up until now, I had just ran from these things.
I decided to test my skills and see if I could get the best of this guy.
I did the required Enemy-of-One thing and consecrated my sword.
I gave MissFortune a nudge and we charged.
Mr. Shiny-Gold-Guy must have been lonely because he came running to see us.
Then he gave me a bunch of gifts!
He gave me his poison, flame strike and lightning bolt.
His gifts did point out a grave error in my judgement.
While I may be a Master Swordsman, my magic resistance is only around 50.
I hastily applied bandages and used my Paladin skills to wipe off the poison
while merrily whacking away on the road guard.
I managed to cure the posion, applied the bandages and tossed out a heal for good measure.
At this point I had most of my health back and my enemy was down to about 25 percent of his life.
I applied some more bandages and began to congratulte myself on my upcoming victory.
While I was busy patting myself on the back, Mr. Titan reapplied the poison.
That wasn't enough though, he added a flame strike.
And another.
I tried to cure but he interupted me.
My bandages cured the poison but now both of us had little life left.
I hastily apllied more bandages and tried a heal.
Mr. Titan interupted that too.
My vision faded to gray.
The Titan rummaged in my backpack and took something.
How rude is this guy!
MissFortune tried to finish the Titan off but that didn't work well either.

I raced to the gate and went to the Sacrifce Shrine for some privacy while I redressed.
I had almost killed that rude golden things.
If I got back fast enough I bet I could finish him off!
That would SO rock!
I tossed on my armor, grabbed my sword and ran back through the gate.
Some flames from a Gazer reminded me that I was still almost dead.
I smacked some of the spawn around the gate and brought my Mana and life back to normal.
Returning to where the Titan was, I made him my number one enemy again and charged.
Ho ho!
He was only back to half life!
I stared swinging and moved to where my body fell and grabbed the rest of my things.
Just that fast, my life bar hit the empty mark.
I tried to flee to the South East but barely crossed the bridge before the Titan completed his handy work.
Back at the Sacrifice Shrine I faced the cold hard facts.
I was without a mount and not able to slay this beast.
Being a dyed in the wool good guy, I couldn't just leave the Titan for some poor unsuspecting traveller.
The only thing to do was lure him back to where he came from.
Unbeknown to me, the Titan had put his Paragon sized brain to work.
I stepped through the Gate and only to find the Titan standing right there!
The smart thing to do would be to simply step back through the gate.
So I ran away from the gate.
He followed.
I died near the bridge, again.
This time, as I strolled back to the gate, I noticed Malcom heading north from the gate.
As I redressed at Sacrafice I sent a message asking if Malcolm could kill this thing.
He seemed uncertain but raced back to help.
He wasn't going to leave a brother in need.
As I stepped back through the gate, BadGirl Evil Bow also arrived.
Having heard my plea for help, she had came to assist.
She attacked the Titan.
I raced to help only to realize I was still mostly naked.
Blushing, I finished dressing.
The Titan was causing Bad Girl some discomfort and I thought that was very ungentlmanly.
I started attacking him.
He killed me, again.
Malcom arrived and I think he got in a few hits before Mr. Titan (Paragon) ceased to be a threat.
I thanked my fellow PAS members and looted the corpse for the things of mine that he had taken.

Looking back over this event, I decided to wait another day or two before testing whether I can kill a Titan (Paragon) again.
I wonder if there is another down there.
I headed down and checked.
What do you know.
Two Titan (Paragons).
I ran home.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:08 pm
by KDSonoma
*big smile*