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If I was Smart................

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:52 pm
by Vin Decatur
If I was smart......

We stood around NuJelm waiting to go.
This could either be an Anti-war rally or PAS on a mission.
Either was cool.
I don't care for pro-war rallies.
People that want war have simply not been shot at enough.
Personally, I never got shot.
I have heard that it hurts and will sometimes ruin your entire day.
Gettin' shot AT is plenty 'nuff fer me.
Sometimes war is a necessary evil, but I don't have to like it.

Thankfully, this was PAS on a mission.
It seems some worm of a feller named Serado was in dire need of killin'.
He must be in COP or MOO, I suppose.
Our illustrious leader and chief goober gated us to Ilsh to seek this feller out.
Serado was hidin'.
He must be shy.
I ran around smackin' anything that didn't look like PAS.
Those acid spittin' guys were pesky and dulled the keen edge of my sword.
After having our way with the puny stuff, a bunch of Revenant Lions ran out to see us.
I had no clue what revenant meant.

rev·e·nant - [rev-uh-nuhnt] –noun 1. a person who returns.
2. a person who returns as a spirit after death; ghost.

I guess they're back from somewhere?
Some lesser hiryus ran amongst us too.
Several of 'em pooled their resources and sent me down the dirt path.
One of the fine things about PAS.
They always take pity on the foolish ghost.

Onis and Hiryus followed in the wake of the Lessers and Revenants.
They liked me.
They like me dead, that is.

I was gettin' dressed when I spied this big worm guy.
Serado the Awakened.
We done woke him up.

Being a Paladin/Raconteur, I made this fat foe my Enemy of One.
I charged.
He killed.

Fast too.

I contemplated this guy as I got dressed again.
Hacker I bet.
Not easily disuaded from my duty, I tried again.
This time I got in two or three hits before he took pity on a tired soul
and sent me on another dirtnap.
Gold exploded from the ground!
Serado took a dirtnap.
I got dressed again.

Back in town, KD told us we were going after Balron Paragons.
If I was smart......
well, never mind.

We made our way to Blood Dungeon.
Righ off to bat, guess what was waiting?
Balron Paragon.
He was unimpressed with my Enemy of One.
Either that or it really irriated him.
Vin takes another ride down the dusty trail.
After getting rezzed and dressed again,
(It's a good thing I have absolutely no modesty, huh?)
I got in a swipe or two before he fell down.
Another one popped up and took an immediate dislike to me.
I don't get it.
I'm a nice guy.
Just 'cuase I'm trying to kill him is no reason for him to get so angry.
Yep, he killed me to death too.

Then the Goddess of RL requested me attention, so I had to leave.

I did return a little later to watch Draconi's fire in Luna.
That was cool to watch.


Vin's Opinion

From time to time I may post my opinion about random stuff. Don't take it personally. It probably isn't regarding you. (Sheesh, some people and their ego!)

Keep in mind my number 2 rule of life: Opinions are like butts. Everyone has one. They all stink.
(My number 1 rule is: Assume everyone that you don't personally know is Stupid. Do that and you will save yourself a lot of head and heart ache in life.)

Today's is short and sweet....

What is up with states that have a caucus instead of private voting? What the ^%&$? What kind of 18th Century crap is that? Man, I'm glad I live in a state that lets you vote in private. Sheesh already.