New Friends, Old Enemies, and Betrayal

A place for role played stories and other creative writings

New Friends, Old Enemies, and Betrayal

Postby Tracy » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:19 pm

Before I start, I have to caveat this by saying this is an attempt to recreate the RP between Pharon, AJ and myself that led up to, and directly proceded, my taking over PAE (the first time, before I went to Iraq). Keep in mind, this is three separate stories merged into one, it's a little hard to follow near the first but gets better towards the end. The event at the very end of the story (last two posts) actually took place in game in the form of a Gold Caravan event. Oh how I miss the days of true roleplaying...

Thus begins our story...

Almond Joy wrote:It had been months since she had last seen Shawnsa.

She remembered a meeting, and seemed to recall a fight. But no matter how many times she closed her eyes and thought on it, she could not recall how the meeting had ended.

She remembered AJ saying how Shawnsa had not taken the death of Prince Sapphire well at all. And why should she? He was devoted to her. Shawnsa had loved him dearly, as had all of PAS.

Perhaps Shawnsa had just wandered off looking for something to fill the hole in her heart. Perhaps she needed this time alone.

But Shawnsa filled her thoughts more and more these days. Twisted memories of love, hate, lust, violence but above all a friendship that ran so deep it bound them as sister souls.

She smiled as she recalled the day Shawnsa had come home, scratched and bloody and covered in mud. She had walked proudly up to silver and unpacked her mule Rain. Ingots of all different colors, and lastly the head of a troll shawnsa had killed in defense of Rain.

A single tear ran down her cheek. She found herself missing Shawnsa greatly.

She looked around. The towns comfy in the hands of YAD for now. Her work here was finished. Perhaps it was time for her to move on again. To travel the roads of Fel in search of her sister. And to seek those most capable of offering her aid in her search.

Almond Joy wrote:Marigold sat silently on the carpet, slowly applying poison to row upon row of daggers.
A sense of determination and urgency had overcome her of late. She knew she must soon be ready.
But she had not a clue for what.

Pharon wrote:Rahl'de'Bahr sat in complete darkness, the stone seat was cold against the bare flesh of his back. He was not comfortable, although he was used to that. He hadnt slept in nearly 3 weeks. this new position in which he found himself was odd to say the least. Leading men of honor into battle, slaying those whom he had once fought alongside. Lifebain had arranged this, his first impulse was to deny his cousin the pleasure. but in this instance Lifebain was more insightful than Rahl had expected. The balance had shifted and Rahl could no longer continue fighting alongside the dark forces.

Alongside, that was the term his masters kept using. Never would they allow him to consider himself figthing 'with' or 'for' the Dark Lords, always alongside, always a silent ally. But now it seems that Rahl had done his job to well, the balance of power had shifted, after decades of wonton bloodshed unnecessary violence, and random slaughter to fill his needs he had grown accustom.

He had allowed himself to enjoy the blood off the innocent far to much, and he groaned in dis-gust (the boards turns it into a smiley if I dont hyphenate it) thinking of the body laying at his feet. he had found her in the back alleys of Vesper putting a poisoned dagger to good work, cutting purses, and cutting persons. her death served a dual purpose, one more weight on the scales of balance, and the sustenance he so craved.

Rahl'de'Bahr was not a vampire, not of the storybook sort anyway. He was a necromancer, his art was death, He was the master of death, and Death was the master of him. in order to fill himself with the death magic he was required to feed his master, His master feasted on souls, and of late the feasting was plentiful. a new war was beginning this pleased Rahl, moreso it pleased his Master.

Silently and gracefully he rose bending down he grasped the filthy lifeless corpse and flung her over his shoulder, her head came to rest between 2 bony ridges, smooth as if filed, which protruded from his shoulder blades.
Rahl carried her slowly into the dining room.

Almond Joy wrote:How hard could it be to find a single home? A home she had grown up in with her sisters. She should know the way to it unerringly.

Each morning she awoke with the desire to find this home. She set out confidant in the direction it lay, only to find herself confused and disoriented when she neared where she thought it was.

Each evening she returned home from her searches, her head pounding and her temper near the breaking point.

This evening was no different except in one respect, this evening when she reached for a bottle to help her forget her day's frustration, it was empty.

She shrieked in rage and sent the bottle flying across the room. It shattered upon the wall above her bed sending shards of glass everywhere. "Gee that was smart silver, now you have to clean before you can rest."

She set about cleaning up her mess and as she was digging about under her bedside table she spied the edge of a folded piece of paper. She picked it up, curious what it was but placed it on the bedside table for after her cleaning was done.

Confidant she had found most of the glass, she grabbed at her sheets to pull them from the bed and felt a shard stab into her finger just under the nail. It must have hit a nerve for a sharp pain shot through her arm and pulsed at the scar on the side of her neck.

Though she knew she was alone, she looked about the room to be sure no one could see the tear roll down her cheek. Why was it that she could endure almost any pain, but the slightest of injuries to her hand brought tears?

It was only a small shard of glass, embedded no more than a quarter of an inch under her ring finger, but it hurt horribly, and touching it made it hurt more. Oh where was Shawnsa? "She would have the glass out in a second, would have me laughing at my silly tears, and no matter how many I cried she would not seem to see a single one."

She imaged her sister in her mind, and taking a big breath she grabbed the shard of glass and pulled it from under her finger. A single drop of blood welled up, bright red. She brought her finger to her mouth to lick off the drop of blood, and as she did she was struck with the thought that something was missing from her hand. A weight seemed to belong on this her ring finger that was not there.

She pulled her finger from her mouth and put pressure on the finger to make it bleed more, make sure no dirt remained in the wound and watched in cofusion as drop by drop the blood changed from bright red to the darkest of black............

Pharon wrote:sitting upright in his bed Rahl watched the scene as it unfolded before him in his scrying glass. His last meal had left him ill in one of the worst ways, he had pledged himself to never again feed on the unwashed masses. Next time the urge hit him he would go higher up the food chain, perhaps a corrupt official, and abusive father.... maybe even a tryannical despot. but all thoughts of his pain left him as he watched the scene before him. Death had more servants than just he and it was through the eyes of one of them he watched his men fight. Lifebain was with them, he went in Rahls stead, unaware of the gease Rahl had placed on him. Bonds of blood do have their benefits Rahl thought to himself.

He watched intently as Lifebains spell of intense cold dropped a rider from the saddle, he felt a small part of the satisfaction he would of had he been there, thanks to the spell he had placed upon his cousin, but that small amount had already began to make him feel better.

Apparently the Dark Lords had received word that he had abandoned their cause, for here were none other than the Acces Of Evil, the most sinister servants of the Dark lords, whos name says it all.... they are the way in which the Darkness gained access the this realm. they had vanished decades ago, and here they stood outside the gates of Delucia led by the Legend Kahn. they did not stop to converse, they only set out to slaughter.
but upon realizing their prey was not amongst these mortals they broke and fled some PAE died that night but all the AOE were banished, for a time anyway into Deaths realm, had Rahl been in a better state he may have attempted to catch them there. But he was sure had he been on the battlefield he would not have survived.

as things stood Lifebain had unwittingly aided him and slowly but surely he was regaining his strength.

Pharon wrote:It was a strange thing for Rahl to read these letters, alliance.... never in his existence had he been offered such a thing, yes he had worked together with others, but always for his own ends, nay the ends of his master.

and now, here in his hands was a piece of paper that offered him a chance to fight for something more than the whims of Death, a reason to partake in battle for more than sustenance, for more than feasting.... for Glory for Honor, these 2 entities were not adverse to his Lord, but they rarely came together, only when the Hero is slain defending the innocent, only when battles are fought against evil do Death and Honor meet they pass a solemn greeting and the retreat to their ends of the cosmos. Rahl was more than willing to arrange a meeting or 2 between His Lord and Glory.

The Guardians of Truth and Honor..... Rahl liked the sound of that, for is not Death lifes only truth? putting pen to paper he made his mark and sealed the letters with wax. he slid the papers under the door to his chamber where they would be picked up and delivered.

Strange days indeed.

Almond Joy wrote:She lay cuddled with her pillow, her finger still clung to her lips, though the bleeding had stopped some time ago. A smile brightened her face, for she was dreaming. And for a change this was a pleasant experience.

Carefully she tied the tiny red rose into her hair. She wanted to look her best as daddy was coming this day to visit. This was a rare treat. Her fathers Position as the Kings highest honored Royal Guard left him little time to spend with his offspring.

And to make this visit even more special Storm would not be allowed to come. Daddy said this visit was only for the first born. Storm had objected on the grounds that she was only older by 10 min, but daddy had said that this time 10 minutes meant a lot.

She looked into the mirror, deep grey eyes perhaps just a bit too large for her face peered back. Her hair the palest of blond against skin so white the sun dare not touch it.

There was little she could do about the features of her face that momma had promised her she would one day grow into, that some days pleased her and some days made her sigh in sadness. But every strand of hair was in place and her pale green velvet dress was immaculate.

She twirled, watching the skirt billow out about her, She wore no skirt that did not twirl. She peered at her reflection one last time before sticking her tongue out at herself, turning the mirror back towards the wall and rushing to the window to watch for her father.

She spied his shield first, always did. It was easy to see the contrast of the bleeding heart branded upon the pearl white haunches of a reared unicorn. She had long wondered if this image had a true meaning or if it were simply a chosen decoration. Daddy had smiled and said simply that she had not yet the life experience to understand the answer.

She sighed again, she did not like being told she was too young to understand things, and yet at the same time, because so much of the world around her confused her, she knew it must be true.

Ever closer her father came, till he stepped upon the broken cobblestone whose rattle was always momma's cue to greet him with a smile and a hug. She smiled and turned away, knowing the 2 would be busy for several minutes in mushy kissings and such.

She counted to 100 and then she simply could not stand to wait any longer. She ran down the hall and burst through the kitchen door into the courtyard.

Daddy let momma go just in time to catch her as she jumped into his arms. He laughed and tickled her till she begged him to let her go, then he placed her safely on the ground and kissed her forehead.

"A fine sight you both are to these eyes. I would condemn my eyes to a world 10 times as ugly as that which exists for the promise of just a few moments in your beauty"

Momma blushed as daddy pulled her to him again. "You my dear wife I shall return for when it is night" Momma blushed even deeper as daddy kissed her again. Slowly he released her this time and then turning towards his daughter, "But you, my little ray of starlight get to see me all afternoon.

Almond Joy wrote:"Where are we going today father?"

"To find Truth." was her fathers reply as he placed her up on his horses back. He took hold of the reigns and they set out walking towards the streets of the city.

It was not too long of a walk, daddy needed to be close at hand should the King ever have need of him. Normally they would take the Kings road, but today daddy swung wide to take her in the main gate.

She looked at the people around her, all so very different. The rich and the poor moving side by side about their daily business. Some children running and playing in the streets while others sat huddled and hungry.

Daddy pressed on, seeming to have a purpose though what it was she had not a clue.

Finally he came to a stop and pointed down the road a bit. "Do you see that man?"

She looked where her father pointed. "The plump one? the shopkeeper?"

"Yes, that one." "Tell me, would you trust that man? Would you think him an upstanding citizen?" He looked at his daughter, no clue on his face what answer he was looking for.

She struggled with her thoughts for a moment and then replied, "Yes father i would think such things."

"And so would most." she was pleased she had not given a wrong answer. "But watch for a time." He raised his hand and gave a small motion. Town guards stepped forward and amid many a protest from the shopkeeper arrested him.

"Why father? what has he done?" she struggled to find some sign of the man's wrongdoing.

"He let greed overtake him, poisoned his father in law to lay hold of his wealth early."

She was horrified, "People do such things?"

"Some do starlight, some do." "Come there is more to see."

They wandered on, deeper into the city than she had ever been before. As they journeyed the homes became more plain people fewer and farther between. Once again they stopped and her father pointed.

This time she saw a man dressed in rags. Not horribly dirty but certainly it had been more than a few days since he had bathed. "Tell me, my little starlight, would you trust this man? Would you think him an upstanding citizen?"

"No father I would not." was her certain reply.

"Indeed," her father grinned and called to the man motioning for him to join them.

"Ah good day to you M'Lord, lass" the man called out as he approached.

Her father reached out a hand and the two joined in a hearty handshake. "It's been ages Harker!"

"Aye indeed M'Lord it has, what brings you to my side of town after so many years?"

"This small one here. In 3 days she shall be 10 years old and it would be a shame for her to reach her 10th year without having heard one of your stories."

"Aha many stories have I", the man whisked off his hat, bowing and inching it ever closer to her father.

"Tradition man! half now and half when the story is done." her father dropped a single silver coin into the mans hat.

"Id have it no other way", the man replied placing the hat back upon his head. "And if she is pleased?"

"A silver coin for each laugh you gain from her!"

"Ah nothing improves a story better than the proper motivation!"
the man winked and began his tale.

She laughed a lot that day.....

Almond Joy wrote:She was growing tired, much had she seen and heard that day. But her father said that there was one more truth she need see before they could return home. He led her back towards the main gate, back into the bustle that is every thriving city. And this time they stopped outside a smithy.

He lifted her from the horse and bade her follow him inside.

The air was filled with smoke and steam, making it hard for her to see until her eyes had adjusted. The pounding of many smith's hammers was heard, melodic in their measured impacts. Many men stood at anvils forging items from simple horseshoes to intricate pieces of armor.

"Why are we here father?"

"To pick up a very special sword."

She was confused, "But you said we were here to find a truth."

"Tell me starlight, what truth have you seen so far this day?"

"That things are not always as they seem, that a man cannot be judged by appearance alone. And that Harker is perhaps the funniest man in this whole entire world."

Her father grimaced remembering the stack of silver he had ended handing over to the man. Ah but it was worth it to see his daughter enjoy one last day of childhood.

"Good. So far you have learned most of what i set out to teach you. Be a patient student a while longer."

He got the attention of one of the smithies, the man looked up briefly, grunted and went back to pounding. A few more inpacts and he seemed satisfied, plunged the sword he was crafting into a bucket of water. Pulling it out again he held it up to his eye sighting along the blade. He grunted again and handed the sword to one of the apprentices for polishing. Then he made his way to her and her father.

"I told yer man already today that the order would be filled by next week." The man pulled a stool out from under a table and sat. He took a pipe from his back pocket and lit it with an ember from the forge. She stared at him, for the man was holding the ember in his bare fingers.

"Doesnt that hurt?" she asked.

"Bah goodness no, not after the number of times I have singed my fingers through the years. This your daughter M'Lord?"

"Yes, beautiful isnt she?" her father beamed.

"Almost as pretty as my own" the man replied as he sat back to enjoy his smoke. "Now if you are here about the order then our business is done for I am a crafter not a magician."

"This is my firstborn, and in three days she shall be 10." This time the words were said quietly.

"Oh, sorry M'Lord I always assumed it was the boy who was your first born." The mans face briefly went from stoic to sad and then back to stoic. "Surely an exception can be made for such a circumstance?"

"Sadly no, my word is my bond the promise must be kept."

Sadly? She suddenly felt uneasy. "What is wrong father?"

"Nothing Starlight.... nothing is wrong. All is as it should be, as it must be." He smiled, sat on the floor and bade her sit on his lap. She did as he wished, but she knew that for once in her life her father was not telling her the full truth and this bothered her.

The smithy took one last pull from his pipe and then stood and walked back to his forge.

"Watch him my starlight, watch him and listen well."

The smithy picked up a huge piece of rock and hefted it onto the table. "The mountain stands tall and strong, old as the world." he picked up a pick and struck the rock.

"Muscle and sweat breaks the rock." chunks of rock flew into the air, some with blue flakes of metal in them. he gathered the chunks and placed them into the bottom of the forge where they heated slowly, glowing red before becoming liquid and bursting into flames.

"Fire seperates metal from rock and purifies in its flames." he waited here till the flames died and then he pulled a plug from the forge and the metal poured out into a mold. He lifted the mold with a pair of tongs and plunged it up to the lip into a bucket of water.

"Water cools and makes the metal workable." he picked up a long rod and pressed it into the still semi soft metal moving it to his anvil and picking up his hammer. Quickly he pounded the metal until it was flat, and then thrust it back into the forge.

"Fire and water are opposing forces, and yet both are needed to make a sword. too much fire and......", Slowly the flattened metal returned to liquid form, "The sword is destroyed."

The smithy repeated the process, pouring, cooling, pounding and reheating. "Too much water and........" he plunged the metal into the water waited till instict told him it was time and then fighting what was natural to him a bit longer. Then he laid the metal upon the anvil and raised his hammer, nothing happened when he hit it save a metallic thump..., "the sword is ruined."

"Find the balance between fire and water....." once more he repeated the process, only this time heating and cooling as years of practice had taught him was best. Soon the metal had taken the form of a Katana. "And the perfect sword is forged."

He handed the katana to an apprentice and bade him hurry in its finishing. Then he pulled the stool back out and sat, once again lighting his pipe and taking a long pull.

"To all things there is opposition, and in everything of worth, opposing forces are combined. The sword will be delivered in the morn M'Lord"

She had watched and listened and still she was confused what forging a sword had to do with her. "I dont understand."

"You will starlight, one day soon you will"......................

Outside her tower the darkness began to retreat, the birds roused and bade the sun good morning. Silver did not want to wake, did not want to leave her fathers side, fought to stay warm in his arms. But once a thought is known the process cannot be stopped and slowly her eyes flickered open.

Pharon wrote:Rahl tossed fitfully, tonight he slept.... but not fully, he was in a dream world, tonight he lived in his mind. His memories were nightmares he was forced to relive.

Long ago Rahl knew a man, Mathron Lifebain, Mage of the Tower. Grandfather to his cousin. Rahl knew no other man the way he knew the Elder Lifebain, at times when Rahls father showed no interest for his eldest son, Old Lifebain was there teaching him the secrets af arcane lore, mentoring and willing to give a comforting hug.

Then came the evening of the tragedy, the Tower was destroyed and Mathron fled seeking to ride the wings of magic into another shard of the crystal. It became clear to Rahl after time that the Elder Lifebains spell could never succeed, and the only outcome could be imprisonment in the void between the shards. So he set out to travel this void and recover his mentor. through years of study Rahl perfected the spell to displace his being into the outer voids, and finally it was cast.

Rahl found himself reliving those years he spent wandering the void seeking the spirit of his mentor. darkness, Impenetrable. Light, blinding.
the feeling of motion as an unnamed creature slithered past him. it was here that Rahl met Death, though Death was not the first nor the last entity he met here. they claimed there realms as fiercely as a wolverine, several times Rahl met Death in the void. but at the time his Lord refused to recieve him.

until the day Rahl was vanquished, by a foe that can no longer be concieved, even in his dream the creatures is absent, his mind struggling to keep itself sane. tonight as he relived this part of his life, all he saw was a black void, with the vague shape or a horned serpent. The Crimson King, Satan, Old Splitfoot and any other name they gave him in countless other worlds.

and it mocked him
"ssssso voidwwwalker......" it hissed into Rahls mind "hhhhhave ye commme to dance witttth thhhhe Devvvvil?"
"Nay I serve ye not." Rahl cried in his sleep, buckets of sweat running off his spasming body.
"ahhh but you are wrong," bright light lit up around rahl, and he stood in a crystal room its reflective edges showing him his body, he had not seen himself, or seen anything in the alternate darkness and glaring lights of this place for several years. A shock of terror ran through him as he gazed at himself in the mirror walls of the crystal room
"youuuu aare a VoidWaaaaalker, diiiid yeee thinnnnk yeee sssssstill beee hhhhhuman, nay hhhhuman flesssssh cannnn noooo ssssurvive hhhhere"

"RELEASE ME! SET ME FREE! SEND ME HOME!" Rahl cried in the dream and in his chambers the setting moon sent shafts of pale blue light across his contorted face, his eyes flicked open, but they had lost all color, they were pale opalescent and slightly glowed

"SSSSSERVE MEEEEE, ssssoo ffewww voooidwwwalkersss nowww"

Rahl remembered only 2 things about himself in this dream, his milky pale eyes, and the wings, the huge black grotesque wings which had sprouted from his shoulder blades. Rahl tried to run to crash through these crystal walls, but when he did he saw himself, not run but fly, flap those dark wings, looking below him he saw only empty space.

Down the hall the maid awoke in her meager chambers, snorted and rolled over to sleep again, she was used to her msters screams in the night.

the bright lights vanished, replaced by a violet glow, light so dark as to be almost black. Splitfoots room no longer existed, they were once again in the void. another presence was with them now, it was this entity that emitted the strange yet lovely black light.
"Come Horned One, leave the boy be he is frightened, what use could he be to you?" spoke the new figure
"Be gone Cloaked One" Responded Splitfoot "I have laid my claim to this voidwalker, he will serve only me!" the dissonant hiss gone from his voice, which was now only stern and demanding, tinged slightly with fear Rahl thought to himself
"Ah, be not unreasonable Horned One, for must I remind you that Death be the master of all Living, and as much fear as you strike into the heart of mortals, you are living as well, on this plane at least."
"Fine take him if it suits you, I would have killed him sooner or later and he would have been yours anyway"

Rahl was fascinated to hear 2 of the cosmos most frightening entities quareling like school children.
Although he was comforted by the presence of death and welcomed the respite from the torments of The Horned Serpent.

"Come Voidwalker Rahl'de'bahr, we have much yet to discuss...." the voice was peace, beauty and respite after a harrowing days work.

"lead on master....." Rahl spoke in a faint whipser

Almond Joy wrote:To All things there is opposition
To life there is death
To darkness there is light
To lust there is revulsion
To truth there is deciet.
Know this with every fiber of your being
To know one force you must also know its opposite
To be one force you must also be its opposite
Evil resides in the most goodly of good
and in even the blackest of hearts a spark of good must remain.
In all things of worth opposing forces combine to forge in balance a perfected thing.
Know this truth, touch it, taste it feel it in your soul
For if you fail this task in anyway you shall be utterly destroyed
But if you succeed you shall arise reborn the Lady of Light.

She began every morning chanting this mantra. A prayer of sorts spoken by her fathers Paladin sect. The sect she had joined on her 10th birthday as was customary for the first born of the sect.

This morning though the words seemed to provoke a reaction both in the air around her and within herself. A stirring restlessness. A sense of unease that churned at the stomach, leaving one weak and anxious.

She went about her daily chores fighting the unease that grew more and more intense. The more she tried to deny it, ignore, it the more it grew and spread till now her knees shivvered beneath her, threatening to fail her.

She closed her eyes and imaged her faithful steed calling it to her from it's ethereal home. It appeared beneath her sensing her unease, whinnying quietly wishing her *comfort*. She patted its neck sending back *gratitude* and *friendship*.

If denying it did not make it go away perhaps embracing it was what was needed. She reached deep within herself concentrating her will till it tore from her in an ear shattering cry, flooding her body with the energy of Divine Fury and steadying her somewhat.

She stood there listening, willing this feeling to embrace her then slowly headed her mount towards Vesper.

Malachai wrote:He awoke with a start. Something was moving outside, he could hear it. He reached for his blade and ran towards the front door. He heard the words, "Kal Ort Por", and just as he reached the front door, the man in the black hooded robe vanished.

He noticed a small piece of paper where the man had been standing near his Feluccan home. He walked out to get it, and as he reached it, the wind picked it up and tossed it towards the ocean. He quickly thrust his sword and pierced the paper, stopping its advancement towards the watery unknown.

On it were written the words:

"Join with us."

He suddenly heard a hollow voice, as soft as the wind. It wispered to him, "Go, Magisbane Jr., for you have been selected. You will forge new friendships, and you will smite evil."

And with the words "Sanctum Viatas", he was gone.

Pharon wrote:And so Rahl met death, once again, but this time Death accepted him and created for him a role in the world of the living, he taught Rahl the arts of death, the Dark arts as mortals called it, but Rahl could not imagine that the Lord of Life could be more benevolent and kind than Death, for is it not life who prolongs a mans suffering, a mans anguish. aye it is, and it is Death who sets them free.

after reliving memories from many years and trials which are not necessary to tell the current tale, Rahl wakes and finds himself still in his prior position....

Glory, Truth, Honor, Allies, War, Feasting, Battle...... He almosted wished that these were his dreams and his dreams were his realities.

Malachai wrote:Vesper is such an empty town at night. The darkness tonight seemed deeper, more sinister than usual. Magisbane Jr. could barely see as he walked, and more than once tripped on the steps leading up to and down from the many bridges that connect vesper like a jigsaw puzzle.

He slowly made his way to the bank, so he could remove some of the weapons from his backpack and trade them for more...suiting weapons.

As he crossed the last bridge going towards the bank, he saw what appeared to be a silhouette of a man in a robe. Perhaps a wondering healer? No, this man was different. The robe had a hood. The mysterious man stood motionless and said nothing. Magisbane Jr. noticed him, but paid him no mind, he was on his way to the bank.

As he passed the man in the hooded robe, the man began to speak softly, slowly.
"You are the one I have been looking for. It is you who will help me with my dilemma."

Magisbane Jr. stopped, startled. The voice pierced his innermost being. He didn't have to hear what was said, he could feel it. "What do you want of me?!?" came Magis's reply.

"Are you not a part of the Elite sect of the People's Army of Sonoma?"

"I am."

"Then you should be wary of your guildmaster. He is evil, and is opposed to everything you stand for."

Magisbane Jr. replied, "That's not true! He has fought valliantly alongside me for nigh on three fortnight!"

"Yes, but that is so he can deceive you and your guildmates. He is a necromancer."

"This I know. It's not the manner in which a man fights, but what he fights for!"

The man in the hooded robe turned his head slightly so as to gain eye contact with Magisbane Jr. "He is simply trying to earn your trust, so he can strike from the inside when you are most vulnerable. Can you not see it?"

"I refuse to believe it. I know that I am aligned in opposition with necromancers, but sir Rahl'de'bahr is as a friend unto me. I cannot be swayed by the likes of you."

Magisbane Jr. suddenly realized this hooded figure was the same as the one who had disturbed his slumber. "What is it that you want? Tell me so I may take my leave! I have pressing matters to attend to."

The hooded man turned and began to slowly walk toward Magisbane Jr. "I want you to be my apprentice. With your knowledge of the way of the paladin and my power, we can overcome Rahl's evil. We will smite him down!"

Magisbane Jr. reached for the small cross in his pocket. He gripped it tightly, searching for answers, searching for truth.

Almond Joy wrote:She had failed again. She was not happy about it, but it was a fact. The day wasted once again in what was becoming a futile search.

The sense of unease had stayed with her, had intensified all day. It was like a pain so persistant that it in time is filtered, becoming the norm and not truely pain at all.

Her mount moved slowly, it's hooves beating in a steady rhythm, her mind weary from her days struggles, had focused on that rhythm till it and the unease combined as one.

She imaged to it *mind* *sleep* *energy* *follow*

It sent back *friend* *chaos* and tossed its head to indicate a query.


She had never been able to translate the words fear or soul fully to the creature. Being a creature born of energy through thought, it had no need of fear. It could not be destroyed in this or any other world.

This was a boon on this night for she knew her friend would plod on where normal mounts would freeze in terror as they grew ever closer to the source of unease, that seemed to eminate from somewhere west of Vesper.

A cry was heard in the night, tainted with fear and pain. It awoke something inside her. Her grey eyes swiftly becomeing darkest black allowing her to see the truth in the night before her.

Death walked the street this night, a grey shadow, neither evil nor good, chaotic at times but lawful in its enevity to all that lived.

She had faced death once, should be in its realm now, but another force had enabled her escape, and Death was not pleased with her. So be it. Vesper was her city and death would claim no one this night if it was in her control.

She saw the blood first, a steady trail of it. She willed her mount back to its home and crouched above the trail. Dipping her finger into the blood she brought it to her mouth to taste it. A bleeding wound tainted with poison. A wound that could not be healed by normal means.

She followed the trail to the darkest part of Vesper, saw the lurker, knew him for the scum he was, but also knew the light he had somehow managed to bring into this world in the form of children.

She watched the scene before her, saw the victim quickly gain the upper hand, saw the chaos in his eyes. She saw the death blow and reacted.

Stepping forward, she spoke to him, "And will you feed his children?"

"Begone Wench" he had raged back, and then spoke some unknown word of power, she saw the lurkers soul begin to rise from his body.

She pulled her sword and without blinking, "Again I ask, when he is dead will you feed his children?"

"He is scum! The world is better without him leave me in peace, He is mine!"

"No sir, you are mistaken, as a citizen of Vesper he is mine and under my protection. If his soul leaves his body tonight so too shall yours."

"I must Feed!"

Her reaction was swift. A single well aimed strike slid through his armor. Combined with the injury he had already sustained he fell to the ground near death.

She cleaned off her sword and replaced it at her side. "Death shall claim no one in this city tonight. As I will it, so mote it be! Dium Prostra"

Both men were restored and she stood before her angry victim completely drained and helpless.

Pharon wrote:Rahls chambers had only one small window, at night he fell asleep to the sounds of the restless souls in the vesper cemetary, soon they to would find the path that led them out of this world, and there would be only silence.

late into the night as the witching hour approached Rahl was awakened by the sound of that silence. A deeper thicker silence than he was used to, memories of his time in the void flooded him, he knew when the darkness held uninvited guests.

"In Lor" he whispered to himself, as he grasped the hilt of the sword lying next to him on the bed. the spell conjured light that his eyes only could see, and there standing before him was a robed figure, his Visage pale and unyielding.
Rahl stayed perectly still not letting on that he saw the visitor. after a few more moments the thing drew out a blade, as black as midnight.

and it whispered:
"Farewell Rahl of Bahr Shire, I will make your last kiss, the Nights Kiss!"

fast as lightning the pale thing struck, before Rahl could react the dark blade plunged into his chest to the hilt. blood ran freely from the wound... staggering upwords Rahl slashed his sword across thin air, the robed one had vansished.

Rahl lay dying on the stone floor.

"An mi sa...."
"An mi sahk..."

he gasped trying to force himself to speak the incantation that would allow him to turn spiritual health into physical health. reaching under his bed he brought out a small wooden box from it he produced a single small vial of yellow liquid, a gift from a man he once met. he once had many more of these, but this was his last. he had held onto it for no other reason to remember the man with the strange name, a stranger who had opened his eyes to the world. Rahl pulled the cork and swallowed the small bottle of liquid, the bleeding did not stop nor even slow down. Rahl feard his lung was punctured, not a wound that could be healed by potions the likes of that.

his breathing had become somewhat easier, and finally he gasped:
"An mi sahko"

immediately he felt some of the pain go away, but he was still bleeding profusely, the wound would not close. although he gained physical strenght to the incantation Rahl lost much of the mental control he had worked so hard to build in himself. he suddenly flew into a rage, smashing through the door of his chambers and out onto the road, upon his entrance the souls in the cemetary began to bellow again.

"SHUT UP DAMN YOU!" he snarled

Rahl continued down the road towards vepser seeking one of the arcane healers, hoping the could tend his wound.

stumbling on every bump, soon he fell into the dirt.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" his scream pierced the night

and in a desperate attempt to save himself he gave away more of his mental capacity to heal his body.

"ANN MI SAHKOOOOOOOOO" he screeched the force of his spell brought power rushing into himself, but now he could not even remember what purpose he had set out for. all he knew is he had to feed, for feasting would make his flesh whole again.

Pharon wrote:Rahl lurched across the bridge, dragging his blade behind him. its tip dragging across the boards. the constant scraping was highlighted by a repeated click as the blade ran across the areas where one bored joined another. the sound floatd off the blade and into the night.

the moon had long since set, the stars shed meager light over the city, and more than half the oil lamps had already expired many more were slowly dying. blood still trickled down Rahls bare chest, he dare not remove the blade and it protruded from the wound.

Rahl made his way past the wealthy city center into the back alleys, he would find his prey still active here tonight, amongst the brothels and ale houses, and shrines to heathen gods. Tonight he was the hunter, but he doubted if he could last long enough to find sustenance.

before long he realized his prey had found him. the pain across his chest and back, together with the weakness from loss of blood had him walking in a stagering lurch, more associated with a drunken sod than a fine mage and warrior. but it was this lurch that had attracted the eyes to him, searching greedy eyes, in Rahl they saw an easy victim. He continued on out toward the water front, beyond the last dying city lights, it was here he know the man would make his attack.

and as Rahl reached the coastline his hunter made his move. Rahl waited patiently, animal instincts attuned to every footstep,
3... 2.... 1 he counted to himself.

On one Rahl whispered:

"An Ex Por" and turned pointing his long shning blade at his still shadowed assailent., the figure froze, but only for a meer second. this man was skilled Rahl thought, but skill is useless if you do not have conviction, and the fear in the mans face showed Rahl his assailant had none.

with the advantage of suprise gone the man turned to flee, on the words of magic
"Rel Por" Rahl flew to him and put his sword through the mans back, bleeding excessively the attempted murderer fell to his knees and crawled into the last circle of lamplight, he rolled over and looked into the pale face of his impending death, and saw only Rahls grim smile.

"spare me please sirruh!" the man begged

"tonight is the wrong night to beg for mercy scum"
Rahl answered grimly and proceeded to pull the black dagger from the wound in his chest. he poised it over the heart of the begging man.

at that moment a woman, whos silver hair reflected even the starlight from above walked into the dim circle of light.

"And will you feed his children?" she spoke

"Begone Wench!" Growled Rahl, and with that he plunged the black dagger into the mans heart as he again spoke the words "an mi Sakho" this time with an entirly different inflection, among the ecstacy he felt Rahl did not hear the woman draw her sword.

Pharon wrote:The womans blade dug down deep into his shoulder and down into his chest, Rahl fell across his victim, this was the end of him he watched his blood mingle with that of his victim and pool togeteher. his eyes slowly closed.

"Dium Prostra!" The woman cried into the night, and Rahl felt himself mend. He stood up slowly and looked into the womans eyes. She was drained and near death he could do as he pleased now, but the slinkfoot theif had run off as soon as Rahl had risen. Rahl still wanted to feed, and here was a perfect oppurtunity. He walked up near the woman and lifted her chin staring into her pretty face.

"what a lovely thing to destroy......" he muttered to himself. Still holding her chin Rahl spoke a spell intended to restore the womans health and vitality "In Vas Mani" he saw a silvery light flow from his hand and into the woman.

"A Feast this lovely I feel I Must earn, Draw your sword Silver haired one"


Startled, Magisbane Jr. quickly scanned the dark horizon, seeing nothing, but feeling evil. He knew the voice of his guildmaster. Leaving the Hooded One behind, he ran towards the local tinker's shop on the island south of where he was, thinking the sound was coming from there. He ran until he though he was near where the scream had come from, then, off in the distance:


He quickly rushed toward the Counselor's Guild, thinking that was where the sound came from. Seeing and hearing nothing, he sat down to regather his thoughts. As the time passed, he thought of the fate of his guild, and whether the Hooded one was correct, or simply attempting to use his godliness against him...

He was deep in thought for what seemed like an hour, when suddenly he was startled back to consciousness.

"Dium Prostra!"

This voice was unfamiliar to him, but the words he knew well. He knew it had to be where Rahl was. Suddenly, across the water, He witnessed a blue healing light engulf two people, as the spiritual energy left the woman with silver hair. One man ran off immediately, the other was Rahl.

With the light from the noble sacrifice of the woman, he could see clearly enough to cross the bridge.

He reached the inn, and, peering around the corner, heard his master speak the words of healing "In Vas Mani" as a blue globe of energy left his hand and healed the woman with silver hair.

He stood there, motionless and speechless, as his master, who had just healed the woman who had just saved his life, uttered the words "Por Corp Wis", and ice formed around the silver-haired woman's head, crushing inwards.

She shouted, "Consecrus Arma", and struck his master, hitting in the deadliest fashion. As she vainly attempted to bandage herself, Rahl thrust his thin-bladed longsword toward her chest. Magisbane Jr. knew this was almost definitely the end of the battle, as Rahl's aim was true and his blade was sharp.

He definitely cut too high to hit the heart, but a neck wound would almost guarantee a fatality if healing were not swift.

As she fell to the ground, a small necklace made of emerald and gold fell out of her tunic and onto the ground.

At that moment, Magisbane Jr. and Rahl'de'bahr both realized the gut wrenching truth: It was the Medal of Justice, awarded only by KingDavid himself.

Pharon wrote:Rahl stared at the medal lying an the ground amongstt he pooling blood.

He knew this woman now

"silvermane....." he whispered

from behind him Rahl heard a gasp, he turned to see his faithful commander Magisbane Jr.

pulling the fine silver chain from around his neck Rahl removed the sigil of his master. He walked to Magisbane and held the now unadorned chain out to him.

"Tend to her, and give this chain to her when she awakes, to replace the chain that was severed. You are in command now Magisbane, wait for my return, though it may be long in coming, or may never come at all."

with that Rahl whispered the words of a spell and vanished into the night.

Almond Joy wrote:Magisbane Jr had done as his Commander had asked. He accepted his temporary promotion, out of duty, but he also knew it as the vote of confidance it was.

silvermane was fully healed physically, but she had not the will to call to her mount. She seemed drained. She accepted the chain from him and replaced the medal around her neck. Honor meets Honor.

He had no ability to gate her, but he could not leave her to walk home. He would escourt her to the Wedding Tower where Almond Joy lived. Her sister would be the best choice to take care of her, and it wasnt far from his own home.

They rode in silence for a while, and then full of questions Magisbane spoke. "Why didnt you attempt to defend yourself? That medal was won for your service in times of war. You are not known for just giving up, on anything."

"I saw his face and it brought to mind the face of another. Besides I tracked him down to heal him not kill him." "Where are you taking me?"

"To AJ, I figured that the best place."

"Id prefer you escourt me to Sanctuary, it is not hard to find and it is a very healing place."

He nodded, "Sanctuary it is then, direct me lady."

It was a long walk, but she knew all the shortcuts, all the places to avoid. He found it rather enjoyable exploring his world and watching the sun rise. And he memorised every turn she made.

When they got to Sanctuary she invited him in, "Few are granted access to this place, so anyone who enters, regardless of guild or karma is a welcome guest." He nodded his understanding as they entered.

A fireplace of unique construction was the first thing to catch his eye, fronted by a comfy rug and plenty of seating. She noticed where his eyes fell. "Lady Lavendar of KVP gifted me with this tower. I understand she designed that fireplace."

She led him to the guest room, "Feel free to rest for a time. you are free to explore the first 3 floors but the top floor is my temple and I prefer no one else enter."

"I appreciate the offer, but I must report tonights happenings to AJ. is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, I am safe here." she turned and began the long climb up the stairs leaving him to show himself out.

Pharon wrote:Upon the wings of magic Rahl flew, and in moments he found himself kneeling before the shrine of sacrifice, blood eternally trickling from the ankh. Rahl dipped his finger into the blood and traced arcane symbols around his kneeling form.

slowly and solemnly he held the sigil of death out before himself.

"I come to face you My Lord" Rahl spoke. Slowly drawing his dagger he slid the razor sharp blade up his extended arm, from the wrist to the forearm. reverently he watched his lifeblood mingle with that being wept by the shrine. Darkness overcame him and soon he faced his Lord.

their palaver was long, and in the end Death freed Rahl from his service, if he so chose.

Rahl spoke:
"I will always serve you Lord, but now I must also serve myself. Forever shall I grant you sup master, but now it shall be on my own terms. And I ask that ye release me from your protection, the next time I face ye, it shall be for eternity."

With that he bowed to his Lord and felt the shrine pulling his soul back to his body, he complied and awoke lying amidst pooled blood a long razor straight scar crawled up his left arm, but the wound was healed.

He rose and stripped himself naked , for he must not appear a threat to those he saought, it would be easier to gain their trust by coming to them vulnerable, and meek. He prayed to his Lord that the ones he sought would accept him rather than slay him outright. with that prayer in his mind he set out again on the wings of magic, he set out to find the Access Of Evil.

Pharon wrote:Rahl stood on the steps of the home he had recently purchased at the Brit Xroads. He could smell them coming, the westerly breeze wafted the smell of fresh and innocent blood to him.

AOE had welcomed him, their arms open as if embracing a long lost brother. A close friend of his had also been brought into the fold, and now Arcental sent him telepathic messages from the road ahead as he scouted out for the fore runners of PAS.

soon he saw one, Radium..... he knew this one, the Dragon Namer, the one who had melded a Wyrm with a rat, he would be dangerous if his pets were with him.

Radium is here, Rahl sent to Arcental

Aye, came the reply

Radium rode directly up to Rahl, and began to speek a greeting...... Ah the young one knows not of my betrayal, Rahl thought. Rahl greeted Radium with the Words VAS ORT FLAM and a swing of his deft cleaver. and then Arcental was there, and radium was fleeing but he did not make back to report an explosion wracked his frame and he fell.

Rahl watched grimly as Radium fell, he took no pleasure in killing him it was necessary. Rahl silently walked back to the small home he had dubbed his War House and once again took his place on the steps.

ever so slowly PAS moved closer to him, Dupree and Arcental moved slowly down the road toward the moving PAS and used there natural skills to hide amongst the foliage Rahl joined them, AN LOR XEN he whispered and dissapeared just as magisbane rounded the corner.

His former commander walked directly up to where rahl sat invisible, sensing this was the time Rahl acted


Magisbane was devoured by fire and Ice, then Doc Marten Rahls alter ego (and truly a tale for another day) slammed magis with the most leathal of poisons, between the poison destroying his blood flow and the lighting Rahl called upon him Magisbane Jr Fell at his former masters feet.

Malachai wrote:It had seemed like years since he had parted with his master, shouldering the responsibility for the PAS Elites, but in reality only one moon had passed since then.

He never would have believed it if he hadn’t witnessed it with his own two eyes.

The gold caravan…it was a success and a failure at the same time, but to Magisbane Jr. it was a tremendous blow.

He hadn’t seen his old master in some time now, it had been a short while since Rahl’de’bahr’s fight with Silvermane in Vesper.

“You are in command now Magisbane, wait for my return, though it may be long in coming, or may never come at all."

Those were the last words spoken to him by Rahl, and now, here Magisbane Jr. stood, near the Britain/Yew/Skara Brae crossroads. The essence of his old master was strong, he could sense it, yet something was different. His master was nowhere in sight. In fact, nobody was in sight. He must have lost the other members of the caravan, or, as fate would have it, this must be something he must face alone. The same evil he felt in Vesper that fateful night, he felt once again, only stronger, more sinister.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, four men appeared. One of them he recognized as his old master, but as he approached Rahl to inquire as to his recent whereabouts, Rahl began attacking him, along with Rahl’s comrades!

The fight didn’t last long. Magisbane Jr. simply gave in to the will of death itself as he felt fire start from his feet and work up over his head. Lightning struck him from the sky twice, then magical poison, and a bolt of energy finished him off.

The last thing he remembered was not the pain of defeat or the pain from the spells, but it was the pain of betrayal. He had so blindly trusted his leader that he never thought for a second he would be attacked and killed by his master.

Magisbane Jr. stood in spirit form next to his corpse. He was dead, but for some reason Death had not taken him. He was dead, but not allowed to rest in peace. The gods themselves had forsaken him.

His friends, comrades and soldiers of the People’s Army of Sonoma showed up and fought valiantly, while one of the expert mages in his group resurrected him. With the words, “An Corp”, and some waving of the arms, his spirit reunited with his body.

Regardless of how he felt at the moment, the gold caravan had to go through. The citizens of Vesper were in need.

He knew the full responsibility for the Elites now rested on his shoulders alone.
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Postby Pharon » Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:41 am

I just read the whole thing all over again. That brief time where the three of this composed this and played it out in game was by far the most fun I have ever had in an online game, and probably the most fun I have ever had with an RPG of any sort....

Wow, I am sentimental.
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Postby Tracy » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:03 am

Yep, that was a lot of fun, and something I'd like to get involved in again in the future.
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