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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:52 pm
by Cerberus A
It was a bleak winter in Tokuno. The winter storms had pushed the snows far south to the forests of the kitsune. The normally small ice patch at the top of their mountain had swelled and stretched and covered the land like no kitsune could remember. The Ladies of the Snow roamed freely. Deep in the cave, a mother kitsune gave birth to her young. Even with kitsune magic, only one of the pups survived the harsh storm blowing. His mother named him after the storm, calling him Kaeles, the kitsune word for the worst winter storm. A word that means White Death.

Several years later, the clan was sporting in the woods. A bolt came from no where striking one of the kitsune. Raiders had come to their woods. As the clan gathered to fight, it soon became apparent that this was no lone hunter here for sport, this was a raid in force. The men were vile and disgusting. They cursed, shouted, and spit upon the fallen kitsune. They were led by one called Iron Blade Jimmy. He had brought his crew ashore for some mayhem and didn't care who died by his crews hands, only gold mattered to them. Soon, the kitsune were broken and scattered. Kaeles's mother lead him away from the battle. She told him to take human form and flee. These raids were becoming more frequent and they needed to survive. She told him that though he would be the first, he would not be the last. As these humans continued to attack them, others would make the choice as well. Better to live as a human than die as a kitsune. And of course, one must live if one is to extract revenge.

Kaeles did as he was bid. He traveled to the human city of Zento and blended in. The kitsune way of stealth and trickery came easy to him. He also found he had an affinity for the sea. Soon, he had gathered a small fortune that he spent on his ship, the Revenge. Only at sea could he let his guard down. He has traveled the seas of the known worlds, always remembering who he is and where he is from. He has found that humans are a complicated lot, as capable of compassion as they are of hate. They puzzle him still, though he has emulated them for years. He also hopes that one day Iron Blade Jimmy will cross his path and works to be ready for that event. Though his ship is yet unarmed, one day it will be ready. Until then he works for the fish mongers all over Britannia, taking odd jobs on the side. Recently he came across a group known as the Peoples Army of Sonoma. They seem to be a better lot than most, so he has joined them. After all, Jimmy has his crew, now Kaeles has his as well.